Chapter - 4

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"Ah, Simon!" A middle aged lady gasped, quickly making her way towards him. "Hej Martha." Simon smiled, as the lady kissed his forehead. "Whose this?" She asked, looking at Wille, who was standing directly behind Simon. "This is Wille, my friend." She nodded her head, and walked away.

"That was my auntie, Martha." He explained, and smiled. "Wheres everyone else?" "Probably in the kitchen."


They were both back in Simons room, waiting for dinner. They were sitting in a comfortable silence, close together. "Eh, Simon about that kiss I--" "Its okay, Wille. We dont have to talk about it now." Simon cut him off, laying his head on Willes shoulder. "I liked it, if thats what you wanted to know." He continued, slowly tracing circles on the palm of Willes hand. "Did you?" He asked, and there was a short pause. "Yeah, I-- I did." He stuttered, looking down at Simon. "Would you do it again?" He asked once again, this time a bit more quiet.

"I would, if you wanted to." Wille hesitated, and Simon smiled. He leaned in closer, slowly attatching his lips to the blondes, feeling him smile through the kiss. Simon was the first to pull away, leaning his forehead again Willes, making eye contact.

"Dinners ready, boys!"

"Come on, now you can actually meet everybody."

(220 words)
sorry this is so short, and cheesy, but i needed to update some time </3

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