chapter - 1

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"Hi Wilhelm! Great to see you, as usual!" Linda said, holding the door open, while gesturing for the boy to come in. "Thanks Linda." He smiled, "Ah, wheres Simon?" He asked, looking around awkwardly. "In the bathroom, but you can wait on the couch, if you'd like." She replied, walking back towards the kitchen.

He sat down on the couch, scrolling through instagram for a couple minutes. "Oh, hey! Didnt know you were here." Simon unexpectedly came up behind him. "Yeah, Linda let me in. Also, you took forever!" He teased, as Simon held his hand to heart, acting as if Wilhelm said something very offensive.

"I did not, youre just unpatient." He replied, smacking his shoulder. "Ouch?" He joked, as Simon sat beside him. "Whatcha wanna do?" He asked, staring at Wilhelm. "Mm.. Watch a movie?" He suggested, turning his phone off. Simon nodded, standing up.

"We're not gonna watch in it here?" He asked, confused. "When do we ever watch a movie in here." Simon laughed, "Want popcorn, or anything?" He asked politely, "Yeah, sure!"


As the pair walked into Simons room, carrying popcorn, sweets and drinks. (im irish, thats how i say candy 🙁) They both took their place on his bed, and Simon grabbed the remote. "What will we watch?" He asked, as Wilhelm thought. 

"365 days." He joked, as Simon punched shoulder. "Yuck, no Wille. What if my mom walked in?" He chuckled. "Hey, remember the time we were watching--" "Yes. Yes, I do. After you left I got a full on fucking lecture." As Wille burst out laughing, Simon scrolled through the selection of movies.

"Mm.. What about insidious?" (i love that movie) Simon suggested. "Isnt that some horror shit." Simon shrugged, turning it on.


Halfway through the movie, they were both hiding behind pillows that were nearly covering their eyes. "Fuck no." Wille whispered, as Simon laughed under his breath. "I hate this, I fucking hate this!" Wille screamed, after a jumpscare came up.


After the movie ended, they were both out of breathe from screaming, and holding their hands to their heart. "Remind me to never let you pick a movie again." Simon laughed, staring at his eyes, as they made eye contact for at least 10 seconds. "Well, I--I'm gonna, go put the wrappers in the bin." Simon stuttered, standing up, and collecting the emoty wrappers that were scattered around the bed.

"Alright, be safe. He might be out to get you." Wille joked, as Simon rolled his eyes. "Youre the one alone, in a dark bedroom." He replied, turning off the lights, and locking the door behind him, from the outside.

"Fuck, Simon! Simon open the door you bitch!" He yelled, banging on the door as it unlocked. "I hate you." Wilhelm sighed, "Love you tooo" Simon joked, as Wille looked at him weirdly. "No homo," As they both laughed it off.

Except, some part of Wille oddly wished there was a lot of 'homo' in that sentence, and he wasnt proud of it.


(504 words)
idk how to feel abt this chapter 😮

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