CHAPTER 8! how her makeup looks, as if she doesn't look fucking amazing

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he glared back.

"what?" he questioned.

"shut up." i turned around.

i stared into the mirror.

"you look stupid." ashtray laughed.

"i still look hot." i said.

i rubbed the red hair dye into my hair, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

i did my best to cover every single piece of my hair with the red dye.

ashtray grabbed a glob of red dye.

"you missed a spot." he said, and dumped it on my head.

"you're a fucking asshole."

"that wasn't cool, man." fez walked past them.

"yeah. that wasn't cool. help me." i frowned, and spread the dye on top of my head to the rest of my hair.

ashtray pulled on a pair of gloves begrudgingly.

he gently rubbed the hair dye evenly into the rest of the hair.

"i'm never helping you ever again." ashtray pulled the gloves off, and threw them away.

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