CHAPTER 37! represent the vanity that ashtray loved about her

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his attempts to get into the bathroom were useless.

ashtray and cherry crawled into the bathtub, and held up their own guns.

cherry knew that she loved ashtray.

that was the only thing she was sure of in life.

she would do whatever it took to protect him.

even if it meant killing the police. because blood and jail time would never be enough to make her stop protecting him.

cherry could hear the loud bursting of the door being taken down.

windows shattered.

ashtray placed one last kiss on cherry's lips, as he loaded the gun.

they both knew what they were doing, and what was going to happen.

"i love you." cherry reminded him, once more.

"i know." he held the gun.

fezco continued to yell at the pair of kids to open the door.

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