It was another same day for Zeus Kingslee. Waking up at 7am, showering, getting dressed for work having breakfast with his sons, going to office and dealing with meetings in both legal and illegal business.
It was 5pm when he was in a meeting for his illegal business which was a very important consignment of guns that needs his attention with his 2 eldest sons and his trusted employees. "So the shipment need to be send to Russia through this reign and our men's will be present there in all the way to monitor each steps of the consignment" told Archie one of their trusted men how the consignment will get loaded and shipped. In the middle of the meet Zeus secretary barged into the conference room suddenly stopping Archie from talking more of the loading process. All of the men's present in the room looks at Alec secretary of Zeus suspiciously as they all know that if Alec has barged into the room like he has run a mile that means it really important Hermes and Adonis look at their father who has gotten up from his seat and walked towards his secretary.
"Sir I am really sorry to enter like this here but there is an important call for you from California Police Department" Alec told Zeus. Zeus left the conference room giving his sons a look that told 'End this meet and come to my office' to which his sons just nodded at him.
Zeus entered his office and sat on his chair and picked up the phone which his secretary has put California Police department on-line "Hello this is Zeus Kingslee speaking. How may I help you?" Zeus spoke in his business voice to the officer. " Hello Mr.Kingslee. My name is Officer Miller and I need to talk to you about your child Charlie who is currently at the Police Station." Officer Miller told Zeus while being a little scared because of the status and name in the country.
"I am sorry Officer Miller but I think you have wrong person as there is no child of mine name as Charlie and all my children are here with me in Italy" Zeus told the officer calmly. "You see here Mr.Kingslee Charlie is indeed your child we did a DNA test and came out positive and also Charlie mother's died yesterday so Charlie doesn't have any living relatives except you If you are willingly to take Charlie in we can start the procedure or we can send Charlie to foster care." Officer Miller told Zeus.
Zeus was stunned to hear this as he a father to another child who he doesn't know about as he was speechless "Hello Mr. Kingslee . Are you there? "Officer Miller asked after not receiving any response from Zeus. " huh – yea Yes, You sure Charlie's report are correct?" he asked to officer again confirming that he has heard correctly about his another child who he doesn't know exist. "Yes Mr.Kingslee We crossed check twice in our system and is indeed turns out to be you as the father. So, Mr.Kingslee what are your thoughts on this you want Charlie to be under your care or should we send Charlie to foster care" officer Miller asked Zeus again. "Yes yes I would take Charlie in I am booking the flights to California now and will be there tomorrow morning with my sons. Just- umm –How old is Charlie?"Zeus asked wanted to know more about the child who is out there alone now.
"Ahh yes Charlie is 5 yrs old and I'll start with the procedure and you can come and sign the papers right away. Thank you Mr.Kingslee will see you tomorrow then at the station." Officer Miller told Zeus while sighing after the conversation as it's not a day-to-day thing to talk to such powerful personality. "Ok, thank you Officer Miller I'll be there ASAP" Zeus cuts the call and thought about what just the officer said.
Hermes and Adonis entered Zeus office and saw their father on deep thoughts as this is rare sight that their father hasn't noticed anyone coming into the office. "Is everything ok dad?" Adonis asked Zeus making Zeus come out his thinking trance. "No- I mean yes – yes. Come sit."Zeus told his sons while being a little nervous now. Hermes and Adonis look at each other and sit in front of Zeus opposite the desk where Zeus was sitting. They knew that this might be something important as Zeus never sutter or had ever get nervous while talking about anything. So this might be very important so waited patiently for their father to talk.
"So, I got a call from California Police Department.." Zeus started talking and finally look up to his son who was already looking at him to continue." And they told me I have another child whose mother died yesterday and asking me to take custody of the child" Zeus finally told them seeing any reaction on their faces. Hermes got a little stunned face when Zeus said another child but Adonis literally get shocked and it was showing all over his faces that he didn't believe what he just said."What? Another Child?" Adonis asked still didn't believing what his father just said. Hermes was just looking at his father seeing what he want to do now even though he knows that his father has already said yes to taking the child under his care without any doubt and he himself would have done that if he got to know about his sibling even if they are half-sibling they are still blood."Yes, Charlie is 5 yrs old" Zeus told them which again get a stunned faces from their sons and sharp intake of breath from Adonis. Both the brothers where ok with the child as they were thinking of getting another teenager as their brother in their life but was not ready for a toddler. "Its okay dad we are in this together and everyone will be happy to have another brother. Anyways we need to tell all of them about this at dinner. What do think dad?" Hermes finally spoke up to his father knowing very well that this is not an easy task to tell them all together and specially about the fact that another brother is coming to live with them whom they haven't known about.
"Oh no.." Zeus again comments looking shockingly at his son's. "What happened dad?" Adonis spoke up after his comment."I-I forgot to ask if Charlie is a girl or a boy" Zeus told them getting a stonic and obvious look from his eldest son and a laughing maniac from his second eldest son "you-you think that it-it will be g-girl ?"Adonis spoke laughing in between "come on dad it's like only boys sperms are active in our blood line so how come it can be a girl" Adonis told his dad while recovering from his laughter. "Yea you are right. Come on boys let's go back to our house and tell others about this." Zeus sighs again and though about what his son said and it's indeed true no girl has been born in their family from generations. With that said all 3 of them left office to head their house to tell other sons/brothers about the new arrival member in their family.
Little did the 3 of them know that their world is going to get upside down and the house as they used to say is soon going to become a home.

Little Charlie
Adventure"Dada?" little Charlie said while looking at her father. "Yea baby.." Zeus said. " Can you promise me you won't leave me like mumma" Charlie asked her dada while on the verge of tears. "I'll never leave you baby.. Never" Zeus hold her closed to his...