Chapter 12 - The Phonecall

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Zeus was working in his office when he got a call. "Hello is this Mr. Kingslee." The person from the other side asked. "Yes Zeus Kinsglee speaking." Zeus said in his business voice. Zeus heard what that person said to him and cut the call. He called his secretary and said "Cancel all my meetings today and don't set up anything till next week. I will not be available. Also call the pilot and say that we will leave tomorrow." "Ok Sir." Alec, Zeus secretary said. Zeus calls his elder sons and told them to be present in the living room with others he need to speak to everyone including Charlie after that he sends few mails and finally left the office to go HOME. Just thinking of going back to his house makes him smile because now it's a HOME for all of them.

It was time for dinner and everyone was waiting for Zeus to arrive. Hermes told everyone that dad wants to talk to all of them regarding something important and he also said to include Charlie so now they were all curious as to what exactly their wanted to tell. On the other hand, Charlie was telling her brothers about the day like how they went for shopping, how the girl was wearing babies clothes and how she made the girl go away. They all listened to her story and laughed, Apollo too listened her but pretend that he was busy in something else doing on his phone.

Zeus came into the living room and heard voices which were coming from dining room. He went inside the dining room and all sons and daughter are present and are talking and laughing. He has been in this room thousands of time, he had been with his sons all their life but he never felt such peace looking at all of them, he never felt this lively, he has never been happy looking all of them together. Now, he felt like he is actually HOME. His daughter has become his life now and he can do anything and everything for her.

"Dad?" Eros saw his father standing in the doorway looking at them fondly, now this got the attention of all his children. "DADA!!!" Charlie shouted and jumps off the chair and ran towards Zeus. Zeus hug her and kissed her on the head. "You had fun shopping baby?" Zeus asked while putting her on her seat and taking a seat at head of the table. "Yeaa... super duper fun. We shop a lot, too much dresses dada." Charlie said. The maids came and serve dinner to them. Charlie again told the whole day incident to her dada and brothers. Zeus listened carefully about everything she says and even laughed about what she said to Adonis. Adonis was beetroot red but he was too enjoying it.

After dinner they all sat in the living room, Charlie was on Aries lap playing with his rings. "So, I wanted to talk about something with all of you." Zeus said getting attention of all his sons. "Charlie? Come here baby." Zeus said looking at her and extending his hands to Charlie which she happily accepted. "Charlie, do you want to go back to California?" Zeus asked. "Will mumma will be there?" Charlie ased innocently to her father with hope in her eyes that he will say yes. "Charlie, she-she's gone baby, she not going to come back now." Zeus said with a heavy heart looking at her. Charlie clutch her father and started crying she doesn't want to hear this, she doesn't want to hear that her mother is not coming back. "No dada I want mum-mumma. Tell her to c-come back p-please, imma being a g-good g-girl." Charlie said while sobbing loudly. All her brothers saw her and their heart was aching seeing their sister like this. They wanted to comfort her but they knew Zeus is the only one she needs the most. 

Hades was clutching to Adonis and crying silently while Adonis was comforting him by rubbing his back and saying sweet words. His mother too died when he was born so he knows how it feels. All of them know how it feels but the little 5 year old is not a state to understand this right now. "Hey, its okay baby. We are going to California to say final goodbye to her. You know Charlie is will always be in your heart and she is watching you always." Zeus said to her but she don't wanna say goodbye to her mumma.

After few minutes Zeus took her outside in the garden. "See Charlie, Can you see these stars." Zeus told pointing towards the stars which were shining in the dark sky. Charlie look above and saw many stars but didn't said anything. "You see the one which is shining the most, that's your mumma. See how bright she is shining." Zeus told her. Charlie saw the brightest star which was shining and by now her crying was stopped as she was admiring the beautiful sky. "Mumma?" Charlie said while poiting towards the stars and asking again. "Yea baby, that's your mumma. See she is looking at you and shining more bright. If she saw you crying will she like that huh?" Zeus said. "Nu-uh, mumma don't like when Charlie cry." Charlie said. "Now no more tears then. Want mumma to be happy na then no more crying ok?" Zeus said and Charlie nodded while remove the remaining tears with the back of her hand, Zeus helped her clean her face with a handkerchief.

They both sat in the garden for few more minutes looking at the sky. "Dada?" little Charlie said while looking at her father. "Yea baby.." Zeus said. "Can you promise me you won't leave me like mumma" Charlie asked her dada while on the verge of tears. "I'll never leave you baby.. Never" Zeus hold her closed to his chest and kissed her forehead.

"I love you dada" Little Charlie told her dad while closing her eyes.

"I love you too baby.. My little Charlie" Zeus said looking up in the sky while holding her sleeping daughter in his arms with a smile on his face.

Sorry for the delay guys. Hope you all enjoyed your vacations. Love you all!!

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