"Dada?" little Charlie said while looking at her father.
"Yea baby.." Zeus said. " Can you promise me you won't leave me like mumma" Charlie asked her dada while on the verge of tears.
"I'll never leave you baby.. Never" Zeus hold her closed to his...
It was next morning, when Zeus felt a little poke and a giggle followed by it. He knows it's his daughter but he pretend to be asleep. Charlie again pokes his father cheek and giggle lightly thinking that he's asleep. Zeus suddenly woke up and hold Charlie making her gasp and let out a shriek of surprise. "What were you doing baby huh?" Zeus said playfully while holding her in front of him. "Wakin' dada up, duh." Charlie spoke while giggling. "Ohh is it.. I think tickle monster needs a visit right?" Zeus said "Nu-hu No tickle monster..." Charlie exclaimed while trying to prey from his father's arms but before she could do anything Zeus starting tickling her to which Charlie loud laughter echoed inside the whole room. After few seconds he stopped "Good Morning baby" Zeus said holding her and kissing her forehead. "Good mornin' Dada" Charlie said and kissed her father's cheek making him smile. "Come on little monkey we need to get ready we have a flight to catch." Zeus said and picked her daughter up and walked inside the bathroom.
Zeus got himself and Charlie ready for the flight Adonis and Aries were waiting for them at the lobby. "Addy, Ari Good morning" Charlie greeted his brothers happily when she saw them. "Good morning baby. Look at you looking so pretty. Did you sleep well bambina?" Adonis said and kissed her head while Charlie blushed and nodded her head. "Good morning Angel" Aries said while kissing her head too while getting a giggle and a kiss from Charlie too. They left the hotel and to reach the airport.
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Charlie's Airport outfit
Charlie has never been in a plane. "Woahhh" Charlie said while looking inside the plane to which Zeus as other chuckled. "You wanted to sit with me Charlie" Adonis asked her to which Charlie happily agreed while nodded her head up and down. Adonis took her into and put her on the window seat and sits beside her. Aries and Zeus sat opposite them. Adonis buckled her up and the flight started Charlie hugged her Ollie tightly and closed her eyes because she was not used to this it was her first time. Adonis saw her and hold her hand tightly to make her comfortable. Once they were in air "Look Charlie" Zeus said while pointing towards the window. Charlie saw her dada who was pointing towards the window and saw outside. "Dada!! We are flying" Charlie said excitedly. "Yes we are baby" Zeus said. She was enjoying seeing the clouds and birds this was something new to her and she loved it.
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"Dada?" Charlie asked grabbing the attention of all 3 mens who was busy with their work.
"Yea baby" Zeus said. "Can I meet mumma here? Stacy said that mumma has gone in clouds. So maybe we can meet her here?" Charlie asked innocently while tilting her head and looking at her father with hope and tears. Zeus didn't expect this, he didn't expect her to ask such a question he was speechless as well as Adonis and Aries too. They all expected that she will ask them about her mumma but didn't know how to answer her question. "No baby you can't ." Zeus said with a heavy heart and gently took her out of the seat and pull her towards him holding her towards his chest while she cried "I miss her dada" Charlie said while crying and holding Ollie too tightly.
Zeus comforted her by rubbing her back and saying sweet things to her Adonis and Aries saw all this as their father comforted her and felt sad for their little sister who still thinks that her mumma will come back but reality is different. They too was not good in comforting but they can do anything to make her stop crying her cries was killing them too after all. After few minutes Zeus saw that she is fast asleep for all the crying so he took to her to the bedroom which is in the plane and gently put her down not to wake her up, kissed her forehead and tuck her and Ollie in while she snuggled into Ollie
They all landed in Italy all their men's were waiting for them with cars at the airport. Charlie woke up before the flight landed and Zeus made her eat something before they leave for their house. The cars already had a car seat in it. Adonis buckled Charlie up in the car seat and they all took their respective seat in that car. Charlie talked about the clouds and birds to her dada and brothers even though they were already present in that plane she still told her how much she enjoyed to which they happily listened to all the ride. Even if she told them 100th of times about how the clouds look and how the birds fly they would still listen to them happily as if she said it the first time.
They entered the mansion gates "Woaahh." Charlie exclaimed looking at such a big gates, garden and fountain. All 3 of them smiled looking at the little girl's expression.
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Aries unbuckled her and took her out of the car and put her down. "Is this your hour dada?" Charlie asked Zeus while looking at the big beautiful mansion in front of her which according to her is a castle. "Yes baby its OUR house." Zeus said while picking her up and kissing her on cheek. "It-it looks like a castle dada are you a KING?" Charlie asked now looking at everything around the mansion. "Yes my baby I am a KING and you know what does that makes you? A PRINCESS!!" Zeus said making her looking at him in shocked.
"Really dada? Really really??" Charlie asked notbelieving what her father just said. "Yes" Zeus said. "Did you here that Addy,Ari? Imma a princess now." Charlie said while looking at her brothers. "Yes andthat to be a very beautiful princess" Adonis said making her go red and hidingher face in the crook of Zeus neck. . "So are you ready to meet all yourbrothers?" Zeus asked making Charlie nod at him while being little nervous.Zeus has showed him their photos when they were in the flight and she hadalready given them nickname. " Ok, let's go then." Adonis said and all of them startedwalking towards the mansion.