Hopes and Dreams for the Future: 4.2

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Timeline date: BB09

Month: April

"1 left," Frisk says to himself, narrowing his eyes. Marching up the dark hallway, smells of chemicals fill the air as he approaches a single room lit up with one ceiling fan. "Only 1 left. If I'm going to live out my ambassador tasks well, I need to take care of all of them."

Frisk knocks on the door, and a short, pudgy lizard monster snorts, awakening from her slumber. Turning slowly from her desk, she rubs her cheek and frees her lips from spittle. Cleaning her glasses with her bright white lab coat, she places them back onto her face and smiles adorkably.

"Oh, F-Frisk! S-sorry you had to s-see me like that," Alphys sputters. She glances down at Frisk's neck, noticing red and black fabric neatly tied together. "Nice bow tie."

Frisk cheekily grins while adjusting it. "Thanks. Bow ties are cool."

Alphys nods. "So...w-what can I do for you?" she stammers.

Frisk narrows his eyes and sinks his head. "Remember Flowey? The talking flower that attacked us in the Underground? He's Asriel, the prince of the monsters. He broke the barrier for us, and I want to give him his real body again."

Alphys tucks her tail around her ankle, sweating buckets. "Oh...so Flowey's a good guy now..." her eyes widen and she jumps back. "Wait, HE is the prince of monsters?! The kid the legend spoke of? The one angel who broke the barrier in the prophecy?!"

Frisk nods. "Yeah, he is. He freed us all. Well, my soul wasn't stolen, but he still let me go."

Alphys sinks her head and wipes her forehead. "I'd l-love to help, especially with knowing now that my DETERMINATION experiments resurrected our dear prince. But, we should know some details about Asriel, or 'Flowey', I guess..." She gulps and sweats again. "Since he attacked us and caused the blackout, it wouldn't surprise me if his LV is high. Would he actually work with us? Or just attack us again?"

Frisk nods. "He'd cooperate. He was acting like Asriel again instead of Flowey, Dad told me." The ambassador chuckles. "Well, they're the same person, but he's kind again like how he was before going soulless. That's what I mean."

Alphys clamps her hands together, rubbing them quickly. "Wait a minute! He's kind again?"

Frisk smiles. "Yup, and while he can't feel love like Mom or Dad, he at least understands it again. It's like he's acting like his old self again, well, kinda...." He scratches his ear. "Apparently, Asgore was on the bad end of a few fat jokes from our prince."

Alphys thinks for a moment, then the thoughts flow out from her tongue. "Back to business, Flowey/Asriel stole the monster souls before the barrier break, right?"

Frisk nods. "Yeah, but then he broke it. And even though he's still soulless right now, his kindness is back."

Alphys beams. "I'm so thankful that he's redeemed! But we'll have to be careful with figuring out a path to get him re-goated. In that case, I also need to know more about what happened during the blackout."

Frisk looks to the ceiling, with his brain being colored in rainbow hues. "I had this 'SAVE button.' It saved you, Undyne, my parents, Sans, Papyrus, and last but not least, Asriel. After using the button on you seven, Asriel broke the barrier and repented from stealing your souls and all that he did in the Underground." He shrugs. "That's why I like to call you guys the 'saved seven.'"

Alphys strokes her chin. "So, just like how our souls were redeemed, Asriel's was too. And how he stayed good after releasing the souls means the save button was effective enough." The doctor grins and throws her hands in the air. "Eureka! If we work with what you're telling me, I now have a theory that Asriel's soul is back, if only a little bit! Considering the SAVE button you talked about and how he's nicer, it could be true."

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