~ Chapter One: Hell's latest addition. ~

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"Hello, it's nice to meet'cha,"
"Could you tell me where I am?"
"I don't know how I got here, but I,"
"I think I'm starting to understand."


What happened?

The last thing all of the competitors remembered was the ground splitting in two.. And the next thing they all knew, their world went dark.

But now, it was time to reawaken.

"Ugh, shit.. what the hell.." A voice spoke up groggily, his vision still coming into focus and senses still just out of reach. OminousNebula found himself laying down somewhere, his gaze looking straight up at the sky.

Or at least, where the sky would be, if he was outside. But no. Instead, he was looking up at a dark Gray ceiling with cracks spread across it, as if it were to suddenly break apart and fall on top of him.

Where was this place? Who brought him here? How and why did they do so?

Question after question swarmed his confused brain as OminousNebula slowly sat upwards, glancing around. "Where is this place..?" He wondered aloud, now standing up and beginning to wander.

However, he didn't seem to get too far, as the space he was in seemed to be incredibly cramped. "Ow! Fuck.." He rubbed his head as he stepped backwards, suddenly finding himself backed against what felt like a wall. He bumped into something.. but what?

Looking up, OminousNebula found himself inside a strange cylinder like container, which was placed inside of an empty room. A laptop glowing a red screen illuminated part of the room and reflected off of the container he was in, but he couldn't find a way to reach it, nor could he find a way out.

And suddenly, a chilly breeze began to burst into the container. It was constant, and didn't seem to have any intention of stopping.

"What the?!" OminousNebula thought in shock, gripping at his sides as the chilly air continued to burst from below and Into the chamber. He took a moment or two to try and piece together what was happening, what game he was in, anything-!

Laptop with a glowing red screen, cylinder that slowly got colder with someone inside it..

Flee the facility!

How did he end up here?! And why?!

Question after question filled his slowly chilling brain as he found himself sinking to his knees, landing at the bottom of the freezing cylinder. It was only getting colder and colder in here, and even though flee the facility was often a multiplayer game, he wasn't at all sure if anybody else was here with him.

Though it's debatable that he could simply respawn upon freezing, he wasn't sure about anything right now, besides one thing. With the sudden interruption of the RB battles round, along with the ground breaking and nobody else in sight here, who was to say that the ability to respawn wasn't tampered with as well? Would it really happen..?

He didn't know, except for one thing.

If it wasn't going to happen, he was sure he would die.

The temperature only dropped more and more as OminousNebula let out shaky, frosted breaths inside the chamber. It was so cold.. too cold..

He was going to die here. With no answers whatsoever. Sooner or later, he'd stop moving entirely, he was sure of his. His heart would freeze and stop, and he would be gone. He was almost certain of it..

"Gh.. it's so cold.. why is it.. so.." he breathed out, unable to continue his sentence over the chattering of his teeth and the shaking of his body. His senses were beginning to grow distant.

He could feel his eyes beginning to close..




OminousNebula wasn't sure what was happening now. Had he died to hypothermia? Was this The end already?

He couldn't tell. All of his senses, thoughts, and emotions felt so distant. His vision was blurred and out of focus, he had no idea what was going on at all.

That is, until he hears a familiar voice call out to him.

"How'd you even end up in that thing? Sheesh.. you're freezing, dude."

He could feel someone hoist him upwards as to drag him along, but again, it was still so hard to identify who this person was, exactly.

With whatever part of his vision he had left, OminousNebula turned his head ever so slightly to try and catch a glimpse of the person who just saved him.

And that's when he saw a pink leaf on their back.

"Pinkleaf..?" He choked out weakly, barely able to get anymore words out. The conquerer of hell's tower itself only smirked.

"The one and only. Welcome back to the land of the living."


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