~ Chapter Six: Distorted Melodies. ~

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"I lost desire I never meant to leave."
"I'm traumatized by extensive sympathy.."
"I kept on loving the people who were wrong,"
"Until my heart got swept along."



Both Pinkleaf and OminousNebula cried out in shared surprise. Russo was the one who attacked him?! But that didn't make any sense! Did he follow them after they had left the facility? Surely, that wasn't the case- ominous didn't see him at all when opening the exit! But couldn't he just follow behind them later on?

This was making his head spin..

"Yeah, it was really weird.. plus, he didn't look like himself, either. He had all these wire patterns and stuff, and bright cyan eyes." Thinknoodles continued, snapping the two back to reality. "That sounds like the one we also ran into!" OminousNebula exclaimed. This caught Thinknoodles' attention.

"What-?! How is that even possible?" He asked. The other two shrugged. "I'm not too sure.. we ran into Russo in a facility when we first woke up here. He fit the description you just gave.. but how is that possible?" Pinkleaf inquired, trying to think of some sort of logical answer to this. However, he had nothing.

"The only thing I can come up with is that he followed us out of the facility, but.. I really doubt it. We'd hear him coming, right?" OminousNebula sighed, his hand on the side of his neck. "It's a possibility, but I doubt it.." Pinkleaf replied. The three of them were left with too many questions and not enough clues to figure out what it could all mean. Everything was a mess, through and through.

"I gotta sleep on this, my head hurts.." Ominous admitted, falling back into his bed. "Well, I'm not too sure if we should put this aside for now.. but we can't really think on such little energy." Pinkleaf agreed, still a bit unsure if this was something to really sleep on.

Thinknoodles took the other vacant bed, laying down on it as well. "Maybe some sleep could help us.. I'm beat." He sighed. Pinkleaf only shook his head and took a seat in a chair near the large window across from them. "I.. suppose so."

And with that, the other two dozed off almost immediately, and were out like a light. Pinkleaf, however, found some trouble when it came to trying to get some rest..


"Damnit, DAMNIT! That stupid sword must've slipped during the mayhem.." An unknown, cloaked figure slammed their fist down once more, anger piercing through their voice. They were overlooking the situation at hand from the distorted world.

"Tch, no matter. I still have those other two swords in my possession.. those should be enough. And those hosts.." They spat out the word "hosts" with clear venom in their tone, almost as if there was something they had against them. But who even was this stranger?

"It's only a matter of time before you foolish competitors fall.. but let's make this a bit more.. exciting."


"DJ, get up!"

DJ's vision was blurry. His ears rang endlessly with a near-defending sound. His senses were distant.

What happened? Where was he?

He didn't know. Everything was so faint..
Hell, he wasn't even sure if he could even stay conscious like this. His head was throbbing with a terrible pain. A blur of purple was in front of him, gently shaking him and calling his name. Who was that-?

"wh.. huh.." DJ couldn't even form coherent sentences, and could only breathe out a mere word or two. A burning feeling was filling his throat, holding back his senses and thoughts with a burning chain. His vision was clearing up slowly, steadily- but it was coming into focus, bit by bit.

"DJ! Oh thank the gods, you're conscious.." The voice let out an audible sigh of relief, taking their hands off of his shoulders. Though he was still dazed, DJ could identify the figure in front of him at last. The other co-host of RB Battles, Sabrina. Though, it was safe to say that she wasn't in any better of a condition than he was in, bearing blood soaked wounds and a worn, bloodied bandage wrapped around her forehead.

"how.. wh.. hm.." DJ sputtered out, slowly shifting his position to sit upright. The burning sensation in his throat felt like it had suddenly flared up a thousand times over whenever he tried to speak, resulting in him gritting his teeth in pain. Sabrina immediately went over to his side. "Hey, take it easy, DJ..! You're in no state to speak right now."

DJ was puzzled himself. What had happened to him that had caused all of this pain? Hell, what happened to.. everything? This wasn't the studio, he could tell. It seemed to be more of a dark basement owned by some madman.


There were all sorts of tools littered across the ground ahead of them both, out of reach. Syringes, saws, hammers, and so, so much more were all over the place. A crusty dark red stain was splattered on the floor and walls, just barely hidden by the already dark gray colored interior. Broken beakers and shards of glass were swept away in clustered messes here and there.

But that wasn't what made DJ's eyes widen in pure horror, behind his broken glasses.

A bunch of different cages were pushed further back in this strange room. The cages were many different sizes, and seem to have been through a good amount of thrashes here and there. Honestly, DJ wouldn't have even noticed them, if it weren't for that small glimmer of moonlight shining through an unknown window somewhere.

And yet, part of him wished the moon was dull tonight..

Inside the metal cages were rotting, decaying bodies of unknown people. They were all sprawled in pathetic positions, some even missing limbs or having visible organs missing, spilling out of their guts and brains.

DJ turned away from the sight immediately, shivering. What was this hell he had ended up in? And why, why were there such horrific corpses just waiting to be found after who knows how long?

Sabrina reached out to the fellow co-host, unable to speak a word, either. She had seen them long before DJ regained consciousness, but even so, it was still a horrifying sight to witness..

"What kind of sick fuck would do such a thing?" DJ thought.



Pinkleaf had been awake for a few hours now, and the other two were still completely knocked out, sleeping as if nothing terrible had ever happened. "They both need the rest." He thought to himself, crossing his arms and turning to face the large window.

The window gave an overview of the city below. Though it was empty, the neon lights gave off a sense of comfort, in a way. A lively city, even with no people around..

Pinkleaf was lost in his thoughts entirely as he looked over at the city below. There was so much going on, it felt overwhelming. Even if he wasn't one to show that much emotion most of the time, he couldn't deny the fact that this was a lot to take in, even for him.

And while he was in his own little world, lost in his thoughts about everything and anything..


The sound of something slicing through the air and shattering the glass was what brought him back to reality.


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