~ Chapter Two: Frostbitten Terror. ~

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"So cold.. why is it so cold?"


Pinkleaf dragged the frostbitten OminousNebula over to a much safer area of the facility, and took a moment to set him down somewhere. "Can you speak?" He asked, taking a seat beside him. "Not- Not t-too w-well.." Ominous replied, his shivering overtaking his body once more. Pinkleaf only nodded, staring off into the distance. He wasn't much for talking or conversations, but there wasn't much else he could really do in a situation like this.

OminousNebula took some time to warm back up again, though it was a decently slow process. "D-Do you kn- know w-what's happening..?" He breathed out shakily. Pinkleaf shook his head in response. "Y-You too, th- then.." He sighed. A few more minutes passed, neither of the two saying much of anything for that timeframe.

The silence between them was.. oddly comforting, in a strange way. Pinkleaf had this sort of calm aura when it came to certain scenarios, and sometimes it came when it was needed most- like right now, ominous could agree on that.

Pinkleaf turned to face the rhythm master himself as he slowly warmed back up to his normal temperature after nearly freezing to death. If anything, he was just glad he managed to get him out before he ran out of time. That would be quite.. unsettling, to explain to any other familiar face he ran into, Pinkleaf thought. Surely, the others had to be somewhere. It couldn't just be these two.

The two continued to sit in the peaceful silence, letting the questions in their mind swim around, as if they were fish in a large ocean, trying to find a new home after tragedy struck.

And sure enough, just like the fish.. tragedy did indeed strike.

Pinkleaf suddenly stood upwards; looking around with an alert expression.

"Is- Is s-something wrong?" Ominous asked.

Pinkleaf didn't respond. He kept quiet, leaving OminousNebula in some confusion.

Ominous fell silent as well, unsure what was going on at the moment. Had he said something wrong?

The silence was eerie for a few moments, only to be followed by the sound of music.

Loud, unsettling music, accompanied by footsteps growing closer and louder.

Pinkleaf seemed to waste no time in grabbing OminousNebula once again and quickly hiding in the lockers the room provided, praying that whoever was out there didn't see them do so. Neither of them could tell if this person could be a friend or foe as of yet, but it's clear that Pinkleaf didn't want to take any chances.

They both went radio silent as the sound of footsteps echoed through the room they hid inside. The music grew louder and louder, shaking the two of them to the core with pure, raw fear.

Don't make a sound.
Don't make a single fucking move whatsoever.

Neither of the two boys moved a muscle as the footsteps rang through their ears, growing closer, then further, then closer again. It keeps going back and forth, leaving the two far too uneasy.

Until finally, it faded. There was no music, no footsteps. Pinkleaf cautiously stepped out of his hiding spot, scanning the area to make sure the coast was clear. OminousNebula watched from the small crack in the lockers doors, in case worse came to wor-

"Found you."


OminousNebula forced back a gasp of surprise, keeping his mouth covered as he saw a flash of grey whack Pinkleaf in the back of the head, making him collapse with a loud thud onto the wooden floor. The captor in question wasn't too identifiable due to the little amount of vision ominous had, but all he could tell about them was the fact that they had blue hair.

Without wasting any time, the captor tied the rope around Pinkleaf's leg, and began dragging him off, the hammer in the other hand.

OminousNebula stepped out from the locker immediately, and tried to collect his thoughts about what had just happened. Shocked and overwhelmed still, he couldn't get himself to focus-

But then he knew what was at risk here. If he wasn't fast enough, pinkleaf could die. And there was no telling if they would be able to respawn.

"I'm not gonna waste time like this..! I gotta get pinkleaf back, hack the other laptops, and get the hell out of here.. we need answers!" He thought.

And with that, ominous was off to rescue his friend before the icy hands of death itself could get him first.


( Author note here! This story is going to have OminousNebula and Pinkleaf as its protagonists. The others will make appearances and also have major roles, but the main protagonists will be those two. That's all! )

( Also, thanks a bunch to --GoldenRose-- for making the new book cover. It looks sick! )


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