The night is young, but the soul isn't

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Holly climbed into her friend's car, and they took off for the night. She had only one thought on her mind - how to not have Jason on her mind. She had decided it was time to stop moping around because of a person who did not trust or value her enough. She had wasted the past two months being miserable, missing him terribly, when he didn't even bat an eye before dismissing her. Today she was eighteen. She was an adult now and she would behave like one. She would go out there and have some fun, find some nice guy to dance with getting a little drunk, and ultimately have a great time with her friends.

The car ride to the club had already got her excited and pumped, she couldn't wait to reach the club and dance her heart out and blow off some steam. But all her plans went down the drain as soon as they reached the club, it was not only packed but there was a long queue.

"You did have a word with Jason that we were coming right?" questioned Nicki. Chase looked a little uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat, " Umm I could have forgotten in all the excitement."

"You idiot, I asked you specifically if you wanted me to talk to him, you said you had it handled," said Chris as he smacked him on the head.

After a long discussion, it was finally decided that they would call Jason now and ask him to call his friend who owned the club to get them in. While the twins talked over the phone a bouncer called their name and ushered them in. They all headed to the bar the first thing. The bartender gave the girls and appreciative look and passed them their drinks. The place was packed with people. The bright purple lights flickered to the beat of the music while the sea of people moved to the rhythm on the otherwise dark dance floor. 

As Holly took all of it in, she realized she was getting a few appreciative stares herself. She had chosen to dress up in a figure-hugging maroon dress of Nicky's. The dress was short reaching her mid-thigh and had a plunging back. She had tied her hair up to bring attention to her back and collarbones. Her makeup was minimal except for her eyes for which Nicki had done a smokey eye effect. She did look like a siren and was loving it except for the male gaze that it brought with it. But she decided to ignore all the stares and moved to the dance floor with her friends.

They danced and swayed and drank, until after a while Holly realized she was dancing with strangers. At different moments her friends had either went to get a drink or went to the loo or were off chasing other girls. She thought of moving away from the dance floor but decided not too and continued dancing, until she felt someone really close to her. A guy kept bumping into her again and again and no matter how much she tried ignoring it she couldn't so she tried making her way to the other side of the dance floor. As she danced she felt a hand up her naked back. Holly whirled around to see it was the same guy who had followed her here. She pushed him away and looked around for her friends but she couldn't spot any one. She felt stupid for having moved because her friends also wouldnt can spot her easily. As she turned to leave the dance floor, the guy held her hand and said, " Come on babe, it's just some dancing. Let me show you a good time" While his words seemed relatively harmless the smirk on his face told a different story. He was inebriated. Arguing with him wouldn't do any good. Holly snatched her hand back and moved again to make some distance between them. But this time he caught her by the waist and yanked her towards him. Holly crashed into his chest. She tried with all her might to get him off of her but without success. She then brought her heels and ground them into his feet. The pain and shock made him let go of her and Holly rushed past all the bodies swaying to get to the bar and find her friends. As she reached the bar she saw Chris holding a drunk Nicky up as she giggled and uttered some nonsensical words. She heaved a huge sigh of relief to have found her friends. 

"Guys, I think I am ready to leave" Said Holly.

"Oh yeah, so am I. We just need to find Kayla before that. Chase has already left with some girl. Hols do you think you can go find Kayla? I don't think leaving Nicki like this would be a good idea." Nicki hollered at this, " Yohhooooo this is the best party ever." and then slumped against Chris.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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