The past

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After school I directly went to meet the Winchesters. I wanted some answers and I wanted them now. I kept knocking on the door hard, waiting for J to open the door.

In my quest for answer I had totally forgotten that J lives with his family and it was possible that someone else might open the door.

Hence the surprise and silence when Sophie- J's not so nice and elder sister opened the door.

She stood against the door frame in her paint splattered overalls, grinning at me like a Cheshire cat.

"So, Holly...."

"Sophie." I nodded. I don't know why but she always made me uncomfortable with her stare.

It was actually a rare sight to see her at the door, otherwise she is always locked up in her room or vacationing somewhere. Perks of being an artist I guess.

"So... is Jason inside." I asked.

"Hmmm...Shouldn't you know that? After all you two are, or should I say were inseparable"

"Look..." before I could say anymore Mrs. Winchester's voice floated to us, "honey, who's at the door?" Mrs. Winchester or Julia as she likes to be called came into view, hands covered in batter, an apron spelling 'the best chef' covering her floral print maxi dress. (You will hardly ever see her without prints).

"Oh my goodness, Holly, look at you, as beautiful as ever."

Sophie tried covering her snigger at this statement.

"Where is Jason? I was hoping he would get you here? I was preparing your favourite, chocolate brownies. It's not every day that you turn eighteen. "

Saying so Julia enveloped me in an awkward hug, trying not to smear the batter over me. "Happy birthday darling. "

"Close the door and come on in."

I did as she asked and saw Sophie at the kitchen counter. I didn't notice her leaving the door.

Once again Julia pulled my attention towards her, "where's Jason honey. I had specifically asked him to come home with you directly after school."

"Umm well I came to see him. I thought he'd be home. "

Mrs Winchester frowned as she brought a batch of hot brownies to the kitchen counter, "home? Why would he be home? He'd gone to school in the morning. Didn't you see him at school?"

"Actually I did. But he had left early, he wasn't feeling so well. So I thought he'd be home."

"Is that so? Well he didn't come home." Julia muttered in thought.

"well I guess its okay, since I get to meet you."

"aww , always a sweetheart weren't you" Sophie cooed in sarcasm (didn't know that was possible until now)

"ohh stop it Soph. and Holly honey it is really nice to meet you. Ohh did I miss you in the three months. You know how Soph and Jase are. They don't have time to listen to me. But you are a darling. By the way tell your tomorrow the dinner's at our place. I will call her but I want you to remind her. Uhh I know how forgetful she can be."

"definitely Julia , well I will go and wait in J's room . I know you don't want me messing around your kitchen. Just call me when those yummy brownies are done " I said rubbing my hands together , in anticipation of those yummy brownies.

As I walked up the stairs to J's room Sophia followed me. I was definitely in for an interrogation.

As I reached J's door I rounded up on her, "what do you want Sophia?"

"what are you doing here? Jase is not here. And I am sure he is not talking to you anymore, so are you like stalking him now."

"well if you seem to know so much , can you please enlighten me as to why your brother is not talking to me. Or wait I could just ask Jason , which is the reason I came here for. Now if you are done with the questions, please excuse me." With that I pushed open J's door and let it close behind me. Well it seemed he hadn't had time to unpack , all his bags were lying in a corner. But he did have time to redecorate it seems. All our pictures that I had put up on the soft board were gone. The soft board was blank. Gosh , what did I do? J has never been so mad at me. I can't leave without answers. Everything was not exactly perfect before he left, but it wasn't this bad. I sat on his bed thinking what did I do so wrong that he is so upset with me. From what I remember the last time we talked before he left for his grandma's for the summer I was the one angry with him. I could remember that day clearly.


We were sitting on the couch at his place, pretending to watch the movie, both stealing glances at each other and knowing well enough each had something to say to the other, but we were both avoiding the talk like a plague. Finally I got tired of waiting for him to speak up so I opened my mouth, "so you have officially asked Rebecca to be your girlfriend."

"uh hmm. I did. She said yes."


"and what?"

"and did you tell her about the reasons you started pursuing her in the first place." His silence was answer enough, so I continued, "J, you can't do this to her. I know you really like her. But don't you think she deserves to know the truth. You can't start a relationship with a lie. And I am sure if she likes you as much you like her, she will definitely find it in her to forgive you. You just can't hide the lie forever ."

"oh come on hols" now he turned to me " you are one to talk, you didn't even like that douche Victor when you started dating him. You had a crush on some one else . You said yes to him so that he could prove to be a distraction. And you are preaching me. Did I stop supporting you. No I did not."

" well you should have , if you felt so strongly about it. You don't think I would have listened to my best friend. And as for Victor , I did tell him eventually, and we are still dating . and I am asking the same of you , if Rebecca likes you she will also not break up with you."

"ohh please, what you have with Victor now is not called a relationship. You guys hardly talk in the day. Neither of you knows where the other is the whole day. You guys don't even meet up, you accidentally BUMP into each other. And when you decide to meet up you guys end up eating silently having nothing to talk about. You guys are pathetic. You are just maintaining a face when you clearly know its over. So please stop lecturing me about how my relationship should be."

"take that back Jason. That's is not true "

"oh I am not taking anything back. Face it for god's sake"

"fine, fine you are right. My relationship is not on the right track. When I finally started liking him, I couldn't just keep the truth from him. So I told him everything. And you know that is why all changed for us. Only if I had told him from the beginning, maybe he would have understood , we would have bonded better. But I didn't. And I don't want you to do the same. You have to give her a chance to decide for herself."

When he still didn't answer I continued, "Jason I know you, if you don't fess up you will end up destroying the relationship because of your guilt. So as your best friend I HAVE to do this. So if you don't tell her in a week's time , I am going to tell her."

When he didn't even look at me , I got up and left for home. One week later the finals were over and Jason and Rebecca had broken up and he was out of the town.

(end of flashback)

Suddenly the door was pushed open and Jason stood there at the door , his stormy blue eyes staring at me in distaste.

"what are you doing here?"

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