✜ㅤ──ㅤ﹙𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟭﹚

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"No. I don't. I don't want to marry Kim Taehyung."

Everyone was shocked to hear Jackson's words. Everyone around them started to gossip.

"Jackson, son, what made you say that? Is there anything wrong we did to offend you, my son?" Dawoon could not help but ask.

"No, Uncle, you all did nothing wrong to me. But surely did to your son. Did you even ask him if he liked me or not to marry me in the first place, huh?" Jackson asked the older man, who looked confused. While Taehyung widened his eyes. There was no way Jackson got to know about everything.

"But he said yes," Dawoon replied.

"Saying yes and having to like me got a huge difference, Uncle. And how could I marry someone who would never be mine from his heart and soul? I can't do this sin, Uncle. I can't." Jackson looked at the younger who was looking at him with frightful eyes. Yes, he heard Taehyung and Sandy's conversation on the way to Taehyung's room. Mr. Kim also looked at his son with questioning eyes.

"He won't say anything, Uncle. For your reputation and the deal. This idiot here loves Jeongguk more than his life. But he loves you more than his love. Thus, he agreed to this marriage." Jackson revealed and both the Kim and Jeon families were shocked to learn his new information. They looked at Taehyung who was just looking down.

"Is this true, Taehyung? You love Jeongguk?" Dawoon asked.

"Y-yes, Dad. I love him more than myself." At last, the brunette confessed. It was of no use hiding it anymore.

"Then why didn't you say it before?! Why did you agree to the wedding? We could have called it off!" The father frantically yelled.

"But, Dad. What about y-your reputation? And the deal?" The brunette sobbed out. "I don't want you to face humiliation for me."

"Bullshit! Nothing is more important to me than my son's happiness!" Dawoon announced and hugged his crying son.

"Yes, Tae. You could have at least asked me, I would have called off the wedding." Shin pipped it.

"But Uncle, I thought, you would then break off the deal..." The younger trailed off.

"Deal? Which deal, dear?" They asked. And then Taehyung told everything he heard that night. Hearing him both the business partners face palmed themselves.

"Oh, my baby tiger. It was not it. I said that because Shin-ssi helped us to crack the deal and there only I talked about you and he seemed to like you thus, he proposed to the wedding. You misunderstood all of it!" Dawoon cleared it out and then Taehyung felt like the sky was falling on him.

He ruined his love-life with his hand, that too due to his forward thinking and stupidity. He started to cry out loud, startling everyone. "How could I do all this without thinking about anything?! I am so fucking stupid!" He started to blame himself.

"What happened now, Bear?" Yashi hugged him.

"I-i asked Hyungie to leave from here!" With that, Taehyung revealed everything he did to the older. His parents looked at him disappointed.

"We didn't expect that from you, Taehyung! What have you done?" Dawoon scolded the younger male.

"I-i am s-sorry, I didn't know. I am sorry Uncle, for me, all this happened," he apologized to Joshua who was looking at him with a pitiful look. He knew he did wrong judging his looks and how he worried he was from the morning.

"It's okay, Tae. You wanted the good for him. It's fine. I am angry at myself thinking how I never saw his love for you. It's okay, we will find him soon." Joshua comforted the younger male.

"No need for that anymore." They heard Sanya saying from a distance, she came near them and showed the letter she found in Jeongguk's room. Joshua took the letter and read it out:

Dear Mom and Dad,

If you are reading this, that means I have already left. Sorry for leaving like this. But I had no other option. I love Taehyung, Dad. I love him a lot. I am sorry for saying this now. And I know, I shouldn't have these feelings for someone who always saw me as a Hyung figure. But my heart never listened to me and I fell for him. And now, I can't take it any longer. I can't pretend any longer that it doesn't hurt when it kills me every second. I can't see my love becoming someone else's. Thus, I have decided to leave the place and complete my military training. In these two years, I hope I can overcome my feelings for him. I am sorry for all this. And I love you both a lot.

- Jeongguk.

Taehyung burst into loud cries, thinking how much pureness was there in Jeongguk's love for him. Even after everything, the older did not utter a single word against him or revealed the real reason for his leaving. He yet again saved Taehyung from any harm or any finger-pointing at him.

"I should hate you for taking my son away from me. But I can't, I can't hate my one son for my other one. I can't hate the one for whom my son breathes. Thus, I forgive you. But you gotta prove yourself worthy for my son and wait for him till he comes. Can you do so? Can you promise me that, Taehyung?" Sanya proposed her decision to the younger who almost immediately agreed to it.

"Yes, Aunty. I accept every condition of yours. I would do everything to prove my love for Hyungie. I promise. Thank you so much for loving me this much." Taehyung was determined he would do anything for the older, anything meant anything.

"Okay, okay, enough of all this. I know the marriage is canceled, but do I get to eat the delicious food at least? I didn't work hard for everything for nothing, please, at least let me have the food." They heard Sandy whining. He was just trying to light up the atmosphere. Everyone laughed at him.

"Of course, you get the food. After all, it's our wedding, darling!" Jackson flirted with Sandy, winking at the other who made a disgusted face.

"Our wedding? My ass would marry you, you dumbass!" Sandy retorted back and went to the food corner.

"Well, I want your ass only. Cutie!" Jackson whispered to himself and chuckled softly. He heard someone clearing their throat behind him and turned to see Taehyung standing there.

"Thank you so much, Hyung. I don't know how to repay your favor." Taehyung expressed his gratitude and received a smack in return.

"Yah, you think you have become very mature, huh? You call me Hyung, yet could not say anything to me. And who are you thanking, huh? I don't want your thank you. If you want to repay me then just be my cupid for that Cutie over there." Jackson scolded and pointed behind Taehyung who looked in that direction only to see Sandy eating pastries messily.

Seeing him, both the males laughed, "Oh ho, so you want my Sandy Hyung, huh? Okay, then consider your work done, my highness." Taehyung uttered with a smile.

Since then Taehyung started to live in Jeon Mansion only, he did everything to prove his love for Jeongguk. He passed and lived every day with the thought of Jeongguk only. Over time, Jackson and Sandy became a couple as well and just a few months ago they tied the knot and got married.

... End of Flashback.


Assalamu Alaikum. So this is what happened. Hope you liked the part. Just one more part is left and then we are going to say goodbye to this one. Hope you liked the part. Meet you in the last part. Till then stay safe and healthy. Take care. Have a nice day/night ahead. Allah Hafeez.

- Wolfin.

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