The story of how we meet

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Sofias POV
3 years ago

Harry- hey I saw your profile and thought you were cute want to hang out some time?

Sofia- sure your pretty cute your self. What time works for you?"

Harry- How about next week?

Sofia- sure!

They meet and start dating

2.5 years ago

Harry- Sofia I need to tell you something.

Sofia- what is it Harry?

Harry- I am seeing someone else.

Sofia- I am leaving you. Bye Harry.


Sofia's POV

So I am working in my dental clinic and I see that Harry has a appointment and I am still kinda like him but I am still very mad at him for what he did.

I go into his exam room and say "hi Harry I am Doctor Y/L/N how are you today?"

He says "Sofia is that you?"

I say " yes it is me."

He says " I am so sorry for what happened please forgive me I still have feelings for you."

I say " Maybe I'll forgive but anyways is there anything wrong causing you pain in your mouth?"

He says " to be honest with you yes there is but it's my one back teeth."

I say " I'll take a look."

I lean the chair back turn on the light and tell him to open his mouth

He doesn't and I say " I am just going to look. Nothing else. Ok and if I see anything I'll tell what I am going to use."

He nods his head and opens his mouth and I see that one of his teeth are cracked and it's too far gone to save

"Ok Harry so it looks like one of your teeth are cracked so I have remove that tooth."

And as soon as I said that he freaks out and tries to get out of the chair but I hold him down.

"Harry you have to get that tooth removed or you'll get very sick and I don't want that." I say

He freezes and his eyes are watering and he says "but I thought you hated me?"

I say " I am still very angry with what happened but I still like you very much and want you to get better."

He still tries to get out of the chair so I have to strap him down.

"Sofia please unstrap me I promise I won't get out."

I say " Harry I am sorry but you have to do this. If you came in earlier then you probably wouldn't need it to be removed."

He frowns while I get the needles ready and put the tray above his head and as soon as he sees the needles he won't open his mouth.

"Harry open your mouth or this won't get any better and you'll be in even more pain." I say

He shakes his head no so I get numbing jelly and say " Harry this is just numbing jelly it won't hurt you ok I am just going to put this over the area to numb it."

He opens his mouth and I stick the jelly and b4 he closes his mouth I put a mouth prop in so he doesn't close his mouth.

After a while I stick the needle in and Harry whines in discomfort.

I say "the worst part is over. Now all I have to do is remove the tooth."

I remove his tooth and took the mouth prop out and he says "why did you have to be so mean?"

I say "you weren't behaving and this needed to be done right away so I did it but I promise I'll take care of you."

He agrees with that and after a few months he asked me to marry him.

Harry says "what are you doing?"

I say "I am telling our baby the story of how we met."

He comes over puts his hands on my baby bump and says " mommy is very protective over us baby and she wants our teeth to be very healthy. So don't be scared of her."

Sorry it took so long to post but I was very busy with school.

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