The blood test

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Who- Stray Kids/Jisung, Lee Know, and Changbin

Famous or not? Famous

Person- doesn't want to be known

Image- I have to get a blood test and I'm already afraid of needles so one of them is trying to calm me down and. the other one is trying to get the needle in but my veins keep rolling so I start crying and then they have to get Jisung to try and he finally can get the needle in while they are calming me down.

Danielle Pov

So I am in the doctor's office because I need to get a blood test done. After all, the last time I was here I freaked out and they didn't want to deal with me so they rescheduled it for today with different doctors.


I hear my name get called so I get up and follow the lady to the room. While waiting I got super nevros and started to panic. After 10 minutes of waiting the 2 doctors come in and introduce themselves and I see that its Lee Know and Changbin from Straykids

Lee Know says "Hi I am Dr. Lee Know and this is Dr. Changbin we will be helping out with your blood test today"

I say " Arent you guys from Straykids?"

Changbin says "Yes we are! Are you a fan?" I just nod my head yes because now I am even more scared to get the test done and don't want them to think it's embarrassing that I am scared of needles and blood and I have rolling veins so it hurts like a b*tch.

Lee know says " are you nevros?"

I say " ya because blood freaks me out and i have rolling veins so it hurts a lot and i always break out and they have to resain me and hold me down a-and "

change bin says " slow down slow down and take some deep breaths"

I slow down and take some deep breaths like he says too.

Changbin says "So we are just going to take some vitals so you completely relaxed or as much as you can be. And if we have to call Jisung to do the blood test then we have to call him in"

I say "Why him instead of one of the others?"

Lee Know says "Out of all of us he is the best at this but he also needs help while doing it but we are all good he is just the best."

while they were talking they took my vitals.

Lee Know says " ok so now for the not-so-fun part. But one of us will sit with you and the other one will try and get in the needle in your veins ok?

I nod my head yes and Changbin hops up on the table and tries to help distract me from what Lee know is doing.

As soon as he tries to get the needle in it hurts like a b*itch and I cry out and Changbin says "What is your favorite song by us?"

I say "I can't decide they are all so go-owwww stop please stop" and i start to cry out and try to pull my arm away because. changing gently takes my arm away from Lee Know and hugs me trying to calm me down. Lee Know them says Jisung said he would be here soon to help and just to try and keep her calm and stop her crying."

As they are calming me down they. They give me a tissue and an autograph to make me smile.

By the time I calmed down, jisung walks in and says "So I heard you need your blood taken but they were struggling is that true? And they never gave me your name so can i have that too sweetheart?"

i nod my head and say "Its Danielle ya but o also think it's because I have rolling veins and it's a pain to have blood taken and when I do get it I have to get restrained"

he says "I Know how to take blood for people with rolling veins because I figured out the easiest way to do it and if you behave well enough ill give you a lollipop!"

I laugh at that because it is funny Jisnug smiles and states "so Lee Know is going to hold Danille's lower arm and pull the skin below the vein taut. Danielle forms a fist so the vein becomes more visible, then I am going swiftly insert the needle at a 15 to a 30-degree angle. While Changbin sits next to her and distracts her ok?"

I nod my head and Changbin aks " They really reasint you everytime you had to get blood done?" I nod my head and say "ya they didn't even apologize after or ask if i was ok they even just sent me to my car to drive home."

Jisung asks " can you make a fist real quick?" as ido that he says thanks

Changbin says " well do worry about not leaving that fast because it is required to make sure the patient is ok."

Just as i am about to say something Jisnug says " Finshed." and he puts the bandaid over my arm.

I say " i didn't even feel it happening."

jisung says " well i am just that good arent I Changbin and Lee Know i can take it from here you guys can go." they say bye and walk out.

Jisnug walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a lollipop and a sticker and hands them to me.

We talk for while longer and I ask "is there anyway possible you can be my doctor from now on your way nicer than my other one and better at taking my blood."

He Laughs and says "Yes i can make that change for you but they also told me you are a fan of us. is that true and if is true who is your favorite?

I say "Yes I am a fan of you guys and you are my favorite out of everyone."

He smiles and asks "how are you feeling? Like are you dizzy or feeling faint? do you need water or something to eat?"

I say " well I do feel fine but i could use a kiss"

He says " one kiss on the cheek coming right up." And he kiss me on the cheek and says " let me walk you out and change your doctors with you and to your car just in case.

i nod my head and he says " drive home safely and ill call with your results also grab your self some food ok?"

i nod my head yes and drive away.

i finished this at 11pm hope you all like it and i have to work at 1pm yay

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