Type two diabetes

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Image for EmilyLoves1D25
Wants Zyan and Louis
They are not famous

Emily's POV

Zayn and I were hanging with his friend Louis and they are on me about always checking my blood sugar and eating healthy because they are doctors and want to enable sure I keep my diabetes in check because I have type 2. We were watching a movie when I started to feel really dizzy and tired.

"Hey babe do you feel alright your sweating a lot and shaking like crazy?"
Zayn says

"No I am fine probably just a small cold." I say. And even though I know I am wrong I don't want to say anything because I am scared of the doctors and I know they'll make me go to the hospital.

Zayns POV
I look over at my girlfriend and she that she's shaking and also in and out of consciousness and she looks super nervous too. Me and Louis both know that she has type 2 diabetes and she scared of doctors. We both know that getting her to check her blood sugar right now will be hard because she is terrified of needles.

I look over too Emily and see that she is passed out. So me and Louis jump into action to make sure she doesn't go into diabetic shock.

Emily's POV

- - -  check your blood sugar for us hun?" Louis says

I barely heard what Louis said and see that I am in Zany's lap. With him holding me close.

"Wh-wh-at-at th-a-a-at Lou-Lou-issssss" I barely can make out my words

Zayn's says "can we check your blood sugar babes please your concerning us."

I shake my head no then lose consciousness.

Nobody's Pov

Emily passes out and she starts to seize in Zayn's lap

They both jump into action. Zayn turns Emily on her side while Louis calls an ambulance telling them what's happening.

" So the ambulance will be here soon just in case something else happens. Do you know where her stuff is to test her blood sugar?" Louis says

" Her stuff is in the bag on the table I always make sure to have it close by." Zayn says. Emily slowly stops seizing but is still unconscious.

Louis tests her sugars and sees that her levels are low. He grabs her insulin and injects her with it. While Zayn checks her vitals.

The ambulance arrives and they give Emily oxygen. Louis talks to the EMS while Zayn holds her close.

Emily's POV

I wake up to the feeling of air on my face and murmuring. I open my eyes and see Zayn looking at me worried. Once he notices that I am up he starts to ask me questions like how do you feel and do you need water more air?

" I have a headache and water would be nice." I say

Louis gets me water some fruit juice and some crackers with cheese.

"Zayn? What happened?" I ask

Zayn's sighs and says " you had a seizure baby. Your sugar went to low so we had to give you insulin. This is why we are always on you about checking it. I know it sucks but you have too."

While I am with Zayn Louis is talking to the Paramedics.

Louis says "So the Paramedics said just to keep an eye on her and check her blood sugar even hour or so. If it drops .5 or more bring her in."

Zayn nods and grabs my thing to check my sugar.

Zayn says " ok babes just a quick pinch then it's over."

I put my face in his neck and close my eyes as soon as he does clicks it and squeezes my finger he's done.

"All done babes. You did so well."
Zayn says and kisses my head

I ask "can I go to sleep please? I am tired."

Zayn's nods his head and says " I'll just check while your sleeping ok?"

I say " Yes. Can you carry me please?"

He nods his head and carries me to our room to sleep.

Hey first image in a while. If I got anything wrong please say so

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