Late nights

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Rolling over in bed you let out another groan 'where is he? it's almost 4' you thought to yourself while checking the clock, then you could hear the front door open 'speak of the devil' you thought before moving the cover off you and getting out of bed to greet the man.

The only noise that could be heard in the quiet house was the soft padding of your feet against the hardwood flooring as you made your way near the front door before stopping." baby?" you called out softly. confused your boyfriend turned around "what are you doing up so late?" he questioned while taking off his coat and shoes, "should ask you the same thing, I was waiting for you to come back where were you?" you questioned

Not implying anything just curious as to what your boyfriend was doing up in the early hours of the morning not home. "oh, I was in the recording studio and I never mean to stay this late I'm sorry" he said wrapping his arms around your waist. you slide your arms around his shoulders before resting your face on his chest and breathing in. you let out a quiet muffled "it's okay, I just worry you know" you said before pulling back

Letting out a yawn ruby set his keys on the counter before turning towards you again "wanna get ready for bed then?" he asks. nodding you trail after him as he leads you back into the room you'd been in for the past two hours. walking into the room ruby walks over to his closet while you turn to the bed and jump onto the covers chuckling ruby throws his dirty laundry into the hamper before shuffling over to you "Move over or I'm gonna lay on you" giggling slightly you sit up straight and slide under the sheets on your side of the bed before laying down so you face him before.

ruby gets into bed also letting out a sigh he turns over and turns off the lamp that you left on before getting into bed hours ago. about ten minutes go by of you trying to sleep you keep tossing and turning all of a sudden you hear behind you a quiet, tired "can't sleep?"

you turn over to look at him and let out a soft yet annoyed "no, and I'm tired as fuck man" "come here" he says and opens his arms as you shuffle over to him and put your face on his chest while he wraps his arms around your waist, breathing in his scent calms you down and makes you less restless and calm. "this is nice" you mumble out "mhm"

you snuggle closer to him slowly falling asleep ruby kisses you on the head before mumbling a quick "goodnight I love you" you move your head up and peck his mouth before also saying "I love you too".

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