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❝ Useless


When Kaeya Alberich was a young prince, he loved the idea of puzzles

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When Kaeya Alberich was a young prince, he loved the idea of puzzles. Be it runic or just entertainment, it did not matter in whatever form; he loved the thrill of solving it. Maybe it was the thought process he loved the most or the satisfaction when all was done.

So he declared with an innocent smile to the King and Queen, ' this world is like puzzle pieces!' Some may find it a foolish regard or tantalizing words spoken by a child so both his parents, more so his mother asked with a kind smile, 'whatever do you mean, love?' she squished those adorable chubby cheeks. ' mother! Stop-', the prince whined cutely.

So he who sat on his father's lap declared with confidence.

This world is like puzzle pieces. Each piece- each person will have some kind of role to fill-! Nobody is useless because without one piece of you, everything is meaningless!

The prince was surprised at how both parents embraced him after that.

Those words were spoken with the naivety and innocence he once had. That same logic would sell him down the muddy waters for years to come. That purity of his would soon be dragged through thick and thin by the heels of Celestia in mere days. By those archons.

Shit. Kaeya cursed inwardly. He did not want to relive that particular memory. ' tch' Again the stabbing sensation threatened the back of his head.

I told you we'd make you remember, this was just a bit of it. The happy moments you could say. You know what comes after...

He walked through the town he had come to know for years, his home. Mondstat the city of freedom. It was ironic, really. Even though he had spent half of his life here, he did not feel an ounce of that sentiment because you always knew that you were shackled didn't you?

His hand covered his scraped neck; inside his nails were bits of crimson. Luckily if it was not for the gloomy dark weather it would be blatant and numerous questions would scamper toward him that he does not have a clear head to answer. His mental instability...was clearly going to rack and ruin, Obviously.

Kaeya thought if he satisfied their curiosity and replied with an ' i did it cause it was as if hands that were made of flames strangled me' he wondered what expressions would he receive. The corner of his lips raised, 'they would think I'd gone insane and laugh as if it was a joke' but it wasn't-his lips quivered.

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