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❝ Thus

he fell deep❞

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The harsh showers seemed to dim down when night fell, though the moon could not be seen. Those bright jewels were blanketed by the heavy clouds as seen through the window by none other than Grand Master Jean.

" it's unusual for him to be this late" She lets out a soft sigh and stretched her arms to soothe her aching muscles. The paperwork is in two piles stacked near her and Barbatos, she was far from done. Signing each document entailing the city's finance and approval of certain security measures. The usual here-and-there things that needed her approval. The quantity of ink and the ache in her hands prove that she indeed attempted till daylight to finish all of these but was a fruitless effort.

" Grand Master you worry too much, We all know Kaeya enough for him to report any unfortunate circumstances that arise " a velvet voice quips at the other corner of the room. " If something did, those Hilichurls would've waltzed in the city and wreaked havoc by now..." Lisa flipped a page of her book and rested her face on her palm. A sly smile tugged on her lips and amusement in her green eyes , apparently caused by whatever she was reading... Jean surmised.

Now the issue of the Calvary captain's late appearance made her already fatigued mind ache. Maybe she was worrying too much, her fatigued body fueling the idea that something has arise. Kaeya Often would arrive either early or late for his usual report for the missions given . but never this late " you may be right..." Maybe the weather added to her assumptions ( gloomy and whatnot). Clearly, as Lisa said, if something did happen she would've known by now. Do not underestimate the security measures in Mond, it had improved over the years. This she believed.

Then why did she feel sort of...uneasy? At the thought of the captain. Jean shakes her head , I'm just tired and the weather helps a lot.

The reluctance in her tone reached Lisa's ears. Her irises flickered to Jean who resumed her work, the tranquil scratching of pen on paper only could be perceived. So Lisa repeated once more with a smile , " He is capable enough to take care of himself -"

Jean shifted her eyes to gleaming emerald ones . " and I don't doubt his capabilities nor he would want you to worry over him like this Jean. . ." her eyes focused on the neatly stacked papers on Jean's desk. " maybe you should call it a night"

Jean rubbed her eyes and drank the cup of coffee . " I hate it when you're right"

" it is why he has been selected as Captain for his abilities" Lisa frowned when Jean simply ignored her warning to turn in for the night . She sighs inwardly and closed her book , 'break is over' continuing to do the paperwork in front of her . You work too hard Jean, taking a break makes me seem weak.

Jean hummed in agreement, Kaeya Alberich was the only candidate fit for the role. His wits and strength held no bounds . He always had her full trust and supported her when need be . She could count on him for anything. Well except for times when he would cover Kless mess, that sly-anyways Kaeya Alberich was an asset to Mond. " Just the fatigue wearing my mind" eyes crinkled at the corners , " I'll just finish a little bit more and retire . don't worry Lisa"

" how can I not worry when our Grandmaster is constantly overworking herself "

" you should retire soon too Lisa"

" I'll be fine , nights like these are a norm when I was still in the Akademiya–"

A firm knock resounded through the office , interrupting the mid-exchange of the pair . Both shared a look and Lisa smiled, " oh ? speak of the devil himself . . ."

" you may enter" Jean responded loud enough for a young soldier came to view beyond the door and politely greeted the two prominent figures with a bow , who were a bit taken back " I apologize for my tardiness, I came to deliver a report from Captain Kaeya"

From Kaeya? why couldn't he report himself? Not to exaggerate but this was a highly unusual phenomenon. The two thought the same and shared a look of urgency. Perhaps the captain got injured? Deciding to stay quiet about it because that was his usual style. He liked to take care of things himself. Though it looked peaceful outside, nothing was alarming by the look on the knight's face so by assumption it was probably fine.

" ...where is the captain now?" Jean prompts

" he appears to be resting in his quarters, as to the reason grand master ..." he waited for approval to continue

" let him finish Jean"

Jean sighs and smiled apologetically. Nodding to the soldier to continue.

The soldier saluted and straightened his posture as if making a grand speech. " The hiluchurls in the area have been slain so they will not be a bother to the villagers anymore. I apologize for not reporting this personally grandmaster but it took a toll on me. No injuries or immediate care is for concern. Report end "

" hm... if the captain says so. No injury or anything? "

"Not that I noticed grandmaster. The captain looked perfectly fine if I do say so myself " He replied with ease though the look on his two superior's faces made him a bit curious. The grandmaster seemed to be glancing at Lisa as she looked like she had been holding a sigh of relief. " is there anything wrong with the captain??"

" nothing of sort-" Jean smiled with assurance.

" I told you he'll be fine Jean. that's our captain for you" Lisa quipped and continued during her usual work.

" Before you leave, may i ask one question"

" of course! Anything for you grand master"

"Did Ka-the captain look okay? His demeanor i mean, anything odd"

" as far as i can remember, nothing seemed off"

" i see, i worried for nothing. Thank you, you may leave"

" i told you. You worry too much Jean"

" Perhaps, its just that i have an ominous feeling is all"

Nothing was wrong Jean surmised. Kaeya would always report himself regarding hilichurls and the others...he would often send someone in his stead. At one point she found it strange but it was simply coincidence nothing more. Tomorrow when She sees Kaeya she will make sure nothing is amiss.

The soldier closed the door, nothing was off. Well... the captain kept covering his face but that was probably fatigued. It was dark and rainy so he couldn't blame him. 

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