Chapter 12: My Boy!/Jealousy/First Encounter

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: Hello! Hope you all enjoy the chapter! Also anyone who wants to see the chapters with lemons in them and not in side chapters please note they are on

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"No, I can't say I have. Why there?"

"I need to visit a certain god."

"D-Don't tell me..." Asclepius appeared to pale a little as Percy gave him a devilish grin.

"Although I have several gods on my side I need another one. Vesta is strong but one voice only gives me so much safety. Why not have the two oldest Olympians on my side?" He asked with a sparkle in his eyes as Asclepius paled even more.

"You are crazy, fool! If you didn't know me and Pluto don't exactly get along."

"I am well aware of your past, but I have a plan."

"And what is this plan?"

"I'll let you know when we get there, now come along prisoner. We have a long way to travel. Titan, give me two wolves to carry us as far as they can."



"You don't have a plan do you..."

"Listen here... that's the plan."

"You didn't say anything."

"I'll figure it out! Quit your bitching!"




"Why are demigods so persistent! I'm your opponent, not your enemy! Why do you keep attacking me!" Percy yelled his kopis slashed forward with incredible might and met the golden gladius with full force. The gladius was forced back due to the blow, the demigod tried to hold up his shield but Percy's own smashed it away. He then punched forward with his fist holding the kopis as it slammed into the face of a demigod that couldn't block the blow in time. The roman camper took three steps back and then turned to Percy with a bloody face as he glared at him. He took one step forward but then in the next second his legs seemed to lose their strength and he collapsed to the ground with a look of confusion on his face.

"Y-You fucker." The demigod cursed as his head spun from the blow just now, Percy just gave a sigh in return.

"Hey language, you're still a kid." Percy said as he towered over the 14 year old boy completely unharmed as he glanced around him. In the alley laid several unconscious demigods strewn about the ground like garbage. Each with a fist shaped bruise on their faces or body, this had been the 3rd team of them Percy had run into and he was quite tired of it.

"S-Shut up! Release Asclepius immediately and accept your death!" He roared as he tried to stand up but failed to as he returned to one knee.

"Ehhh I'll release him later, besides I haven't done anything bad to him. I just need his expertise on healing for a bit." Percy glanced at said god who was dressed up like a wannabe tourist. A white hat with a bass fish on it, a shirt that said 'I Love Las Vegas', black shades, cargo shorts with a fanny pack, and knee socks complete with sandals. He also held his large staff with Spike wrapped around it, it made quite the image. All together Percy could only grimace at the sight but the god didn't seem to care, he simply enjoyed his large drink.

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