Chapter 33: Island Fun & Girl's Night

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

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Writer's Block: wttJDs62Dy


"Yes goddess, I completely understand," CC said in a very submissive tone as her face showed a massive amount of fear, Percy on the other hand had an interesting look on his face while a knowing grin spread across his face.

"You best understand! Or you will be the one turning into a pig for once Circe! An immortal one at that! I will keep tabs on him as well so don't go doing any stupid shit!" Ananke yelled as Circe seemed to shrink in her seat even more as all her golden blood seemed to drain from her body. With a small 'hmph' the tiny Ananke glared at the goddess before dissipating into a gust of wind, the letter even turned into ash as Circe was left drained of all energy in her seat.

"Let me guess... pig transformation magic is in the drink?" Percy couldn't help but ask with a grin as Circe slowly looked at him with a disheveled look.


"So you won't mind if I-."


NOW: Several days later


"Tag! You're it!" A cry of joy filled the air as Zora yelled in delight and multiple giggles of joy could be heard. At this time a large group of children could be seen running around on a beach, yet if one looked carefully one could see that nearly the entire group was girls. There was only one boy among the huge group, the one boy being a panicked Ryder as he tried to chase down one of the girls to get rid of his tagged status.

To the side of the happy children was another interesting scene of two hearth goddesses happily grilling different foods on an outdoor grill. Both doing small happy dances and singing along to a radio in their matching striped swimsuits, Vesta was in charge of the many different kinds of meats while Hestia happily worked on the fragrant vegetables. While the goddesses worked on a meal, off to the other side of the playing rascals was a bunch of sun-tanning chairs that housed the rest of the group.

On one side were Tracy, Phoebe, Cally, and Cammy who were all currently lounging under the sun's warm rays of light with sunglasses to shield their eyes. All of them were currently sporting a bikini that helped their skin get the most contact with Apollo's rays of sun. If an ordinary man or even a woman had seen such a scene they wouldn't have been able to stop themselves from staring. Even the current guests on the island weren't doing any better as their eyes wandered to them.

"Can I pluck their eyes out?" Cammy casually asked as a hand reached up and swatted her shoulder lightly.

"No, leave them be. It isn't their fault, we are all simply too beautiful." Cally said with a soft and confident tone then adjusting herself a bit as her larger bosom bounced slightly causing Cammy herself to stare for a second.

Cally had acquired a bombshell of a perfect body on all points for any woman, her waist, hips, bosom, and even her legs and arms were all perfect. The bikini she was wearing only helped to make it even more pronounced, Artemis had even mentioned that Cally was even more stunning than most goddesses. To say the least, Cally was gorgeous, making her the receiver of the most stares while on the beach.

"I mean you're not wrong... I just can't help but feel annoyed with so many people staring at you." Cammy said in a quiet tone as Cally couldn't help but smile before her hand reached over and took Cammy's in hers.

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