Chapter 17: Hera's past/Nest's hope/Fate

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to the Percy Jackson show, our host Drama. Our guests of the night are Tragedy! Suspense! And Secrets! Hope you can all stick around for our great show tonight and I hope you all enjoy to your fullest! Also how yall think Im doing so far with the new story?


"Mmmmm... so loud." Finally the last people in the house decided to rise from their sleep as a half awake Zora and Ryder slowly walked out from behind Hestia and Hera. They were both in their pajamas and looked like little zombies, Zora currently clenched onto her plush shark in one hand while Ryder held the back of her shark tail. Then due to her sleepy state Zora reached up and grabbed Hera's pants and gave a small tug to them as Hera's eyes went wide.

"Mommy food." Zora said, tugging Hera's suit again, as Hera froze. I froze as well. Hera knew about our children but had never seen them, I had completely forgotten about that fact. It didn't take a genius to put numbers together and see their physical age did not align with their birth year. It was very obvious the two had massive amounts of godly blood in them, something Zeus would not be too keen on. The room grew tense as the queen of the gods remained still.

"H-Hera." Hestia suddenly said as Hera remained frozen as Zora kept tugging forward on her pants.

"Mommy food, i'm hungry." Zora said as Hera suddenly unfroze as a loving smile suddenly broke through her lips as she patted Zora's head.

"Of course, let's get something to eat." Hera said as Zora didn't even notice the difference in voice as she gave a nod as Hera began to walk forward towards the kitchen table. This was going to be a long breakfast.



"Zora, use your utensils properly." Zoe huffed a little causing Zora to freeze as she was about to eat a full pancake off her fork. Her eyes locked with her mother's as she slowly put it down on her plate and began to use her butterknife to cut it.

"Good girl, sorry about that Hera. I don't know where these two get their terrible manners from." Zoe sighed but then shot a glare at Percy as he was also about to eat a full pancake off his fork. Quickly doing the same as his daughter he put it down and cut it into a bit sized piece, Zoe just kept her eyes on him as he continued eating. Hera just laughed a bit at the scene as she ate some of her own breakfasts.

"It is fine, no need to worry. They are just children, they are learning." She said with a smile as Zoe gave a small smile in return. However after that only the sound of eating was heard as an awkward silence filled the air. Nobody knew what to say, especially in the presence of children.

"So about Zora and Ryder..." Hestia said as Hera shook her head as she finished chewing.

"No need to worry, their secret is safe with me. In a few years I'm sure you can introduce them and it would be more understandable about their growth. If you are still worried I can swear an oath." Hera said in a matter of fact tone as Hestia gave her a sweet smile as Hera did the same.

"Why would it be safe with you? You are married to... Zeus after all." Artemis said as Hera suddenly paused as her soft brown eyes looked up at the silver ones looking at her. Hera only chuckled for a second as she wiped her mouth and put on a slightly frustrated face.

"Do you think I am just an extension of him? That I do all of his bidding and tell him everything I see?" Hera asked her in a slightly confused and disappointed voice as Artemis just met her gaze. Artemis however couldn't keep the gaze as she looked away as Hera's heart inwardly clenched a bit. Was she just an extension of her unfaithful husband and nothing else in other's eyes?

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