#1 - How you sleep together

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Harry: He wraps his arms around your waist and draws you close, your head resting in the crook of his neck with his breath softly touching your hair. When neither of you can sleep you just lie there, listening to each other breathing, and sometimes whispering words of comfort.

Liam: You lie with your head on his chest, his arms around you and holding you close. His hand draws patterns slowly along your back, which eventually calms you down and puts you to sleep. Your legs tangle together as you hold each other close, listening to his heartbeat in the silence.

Louis: You guys like to fall asleep on the couch, with you lying on top of him. He puts his arms around you and draws you close, whispering his thoughts into your ear as you both slowly drift to sleep. You both find comfort in being so close, close to the one you love.

Niall: You guys lie side by side, his arm running up and down your side, tracing patterns along your body. During the night he will pull you towards him while you both sleep, and in the morning you will wake up close together, both holding onto each other tightly as if the world depended on it.

Zayn: You both lie on your sides, facing each other. You rest your forehead on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and breathing in his unique smell. He rests his chin on top of your head, blowing softly on your hair, and sometimes while you sleep he will place kisses on your forehead, drawing you closer to him.

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