#5 - He Gets Embarrassed

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Harry: You sat in a group with the boys, your boyfriend, Harry’s arm resting lightly around your shoulder His foot is rubbing against yours, as he places kisses gently along your neck.

“Bit of sexual tension there?” Liam asked, causing both of you to stop and grin at each other.

“Oh, this is nothing,” you stated, grinning eagerly at Harry. “You should’ve seen him the other week when we were out for dinner with his family. He couldn’t keep his hands off me, and his parents were threatening to throw him out of the restaurant!” You kiss him softly on the lips as Harry goes bright red, ducking his head in embarrassment as the other boys laugh.

Liam: “So, (Y/N), what’s something embarrassing Liam has done?” Louis asked, sitting across the table from you with his girlfriend, Eleanor, who were on a double date with you and Liam.

“Well,” you began, before you were cut off from Liam placing his hand over your mouth in an attempt to stop you from talking. You licked his hand, causing him to take it away, and allowing you to continue speaking.

“We were at the park when this little kid came up to Liam, a tub of yogurt and a spoon in his hand. The minute Liam saw the spoon, he was racing away from the little kid who was left standing there, so confused, before he began chasing him, waving the spoon,” you explained, watching Liam go red from embarrassment.

“(Y/N),” he moaned, starting to tickle you as payback.

Louis: You were walking hand in hand with your boyfriend, Louis, when a group of fans come up to you. He looks to you, and you nod understandingly, letting him know it’s alright for him to take some pictures and say hello. One of the fans requests a picture of you and Louis kissing, and he kindly agrees. Your lips meet, and you both forget about the fans around you as you are lost in the moment. A clearing of the throat brings you both back to reality, and he steps away, bright red.

“Sorry guys,” he apologises to the fans who are all smiling, as he stands there awkwardly in embarrassment. You take his hand and push him towards the rest of the fans for pictures.

Niall: You were watching your boyfriend perform from the front row of their concert, and they had just finished singing What Makes You Beautiful. Niall hadn’t taken his eyes off you for the whole song, even taking your hand and winking at you during his solo.

“Isn’t little Nialler here a little lovestruck,” Liam stated, teasing his best mate as he drew the fans attention to Niall.

“He couldn’t take his eyes of (Y/N) at all,” Zayn added, causing a cheer to erupt from the crowd. You watched Niall go red from embarrassment and try to take the microphone from Zayn, and you cant help think how in love with him you are.

Zayn: You guys were lounging around on the couch, watching a movie together, when Zayn leans on top of you and your lips meet. You two become so involved with each other, forget the rest of the world, and don’t notice the door opening and someone else entering the room. Zayn’s hand is starting to creep down your body when someone clears their throat and you both pull apart, Zayn leaping to his feet.

“Mum? What are you doing here?” He asked, shock and embarrassment of being caught written across his face.


Feel free to request if you have any ideas for preferences :) Stay gorgeous :D x

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