#2 - How He Announces You To The Fans

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Harry: “Thankyou London!” Harry shouted out to the mass of fans that surrounded the stage. He received loud cheers back as all the boys waved, their first concert of their Take Me Home tour coming to a close.

“You guys were absolutely amazing,” Liam added, putting his arm around Louis’ shoulder who whispered something in Liam’s ear. “Now, apparently, we have a special task to perform. Can we please ask a very special girl to join us on the stage?” Harry smiles down at you before sending an evil look towards the guys.

“Yes, (Y/N), can you please come up?” Zayn added. You shake your head, terrified at being in front of that many people. Niall comes and take your hand, pulling you onto the stage behind him and pushing you towards Harry. He grabs you and smiles gently at you, whispering to you,” Don’t be scared love.” Harry turns to the crowd.

“I want to introduce you to my gorgeous, beautiful, amazing girlfriend, (Y/N)!” The fans cheer as he turns and places a drawn out kiss on your lips.

Liam: “You’ll be fine,” Liam assured you, running his lips down your neck as you waited in the limo. It was the Brit Awards, and Liam had asked you to accompany him, wanting to finally announce your relationship to the world. You sighed and gripped his hand as Paul rapped on the door, before opening it and exposing you both to the blinding flashes of the cameras and the excited screams of the fans. Louis and Eleanor excited first, followed by Harry, Niall and Zayn. Then Liam gripped your hand and pulled you out behind him, a comforting hand settling around your waist as he pulled you close to him.

“Who’s this, Liam?” A reporter called out, shoving a microphone in both of your faces. You lean into Liam, a little bit terrified.

“Please, don’t do that,” Liam requested. “This, is my gorgeous girlfriend (Y/N).” He smiled down at you as questions were fired at you, and lent down to give you a quick kiss on the lips, before you both moved along to the rest of the boys.

Louis: “Please, (Y/N),” your boyfriend pleaded, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

“No,” you responded, resting your head on his chest. “They’ll hate me.” Louis sighed.

“They will not hate you. How could they? You are amazing, beautiful, kind, adorable, and I love you. And they will also love you,” he justified, and you sigh. “Alright. You can announce us,” You agreed, kissing him gently on the lips. He smiled down at you before reaching for his laptop, typing something quickly.

“Thankyou love. Now we can go and do things together, without having to hide away.”

“What did you do?” you asked, curious, and a little bit worried.

“I just sent a tweet…” he trailed off, a cheeky glint in his eye. You narrow your eyes at him, lunging for the computer and reading his most recent tweet.

My gorgeous girl. My beautiful angel. I couldn’t wish for anyone I would rather spend my time with. My amazing girlfriend.” You let out a small smile when you saw what he had written, and the picture of you lying in his arms that he had attached.

Niall: “So, boys, which of you are single?” The interviewer asked the boys as they sat, squished onto one couch. You are watching from the audience with Eleanor, and cant stop staring at how amazing your boyfriend, Niall, looks, as he sends a grin your way.

“We’re single,” Harry and Liam raise their hands. The interviewer lets out an excited smile and turned to the other three.

“Zayn and Louis, we know about you, but Niall! Who’s the lucky girl?” All attention turns to Niall as you wonder what he will say.

“Her name is (Y/N), and we have been dating for 2 months. She is amazing, and I could think of no one else I would rather wake up to everyday,” his eyes contained so much love as he looked at you, causing the interviewer to point in your direction. As the camera swung towards you, you waved shyly, preparing to be introduced to the world.

Zayn: You giggled as Zayn picked you up and swung you around, before depositing you in the shallow water. You splashed him once before pushing yourself to your feet and running towards the beach, before stopping in your tracks and causing him to run into you. Somehow, the paparazzi had found you, even when you were on a secluded beach, and no one knew you were here.

“It’s okay, (Y/N),” Zayn whispered as you turned your face into his chest. You had never been comfortable around the reporters and constantly flashing cameras, which was why your relationship with Zayn had been kept a secret. But it couldn’t stay that way forever. Zayn looked down at you, a knowing look on his face, and you nodded. He waved once to the gathering group on the beach, before lifting you up into his arms and bringing his lips to yours. You both forgot about the people watching, as you became lost in your own worlds, worlds in which having each other was all that mattered. 

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