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I stared out to the ocean below, as my fists tightly enclosed in on itself, causing my greenish blue skin to grow white

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I stared out to the ocean below, as my fists tightly enclosed in on itself, causing my greenish blue skin to grow white.

In trouble.


It felt like most of my life was filled with me being reprimanded for my 'lack of respect' or discipline, and my inability to follow direct orders from my parents.
This time they were mad that I had gone out over the reef alone, and apparently the excuse of boredom and 'wanting to explore' was not a good one.

As the eldest daughter of Tonowari and Ronal, I was expected to put my curiosity and happiness aside to be a good role model for my younger sister Tsireya, because Eywa forbid she ever caught sight of my wrongdoings and decided to follow.

I couldn't resent her for that however, as I knew it wasn't her fault. I didn't lose my childhood because of her, I lost it because of my parents. And now I was just trying to regain it.

I groaned and threw a rock in the clear water as I heard footsteps behind me. "What do you want Aonung? I am not in the mood for another tongue lashing." I mumbled, already knowing it was my older brother approaching me as I stayed perched on a large rock, the water tickling my feet.

"Mother and father are mad. It is not good to put stress on our mother when she is in such a vulnerable state." He strongly stated, standing behind me. I didn't dare to turn back to him, fearful of his judgemental stare that I could already feel against the back of my head.

I harshly bit my lip, hard enough to draw blood as the salty wind made its way through my loose waves. "I just wanted fun." I gritted out, as I shuffled a bit in my seat. These conversations were common for Aonung for I. I'd get in trouble, get told I brought shame to my family, and he'd follow and reprimand me further.

A sigh sounded from behind me, and I didn't dare move as my brother took a seat beside me. I slowly turned to look at him, noticing his face softening as I did. "They only want what is best for you, Fao-- believe me." He placed what was supposed to be a comforting hand on my shoulder, but I grimaced, not a fan of sibling affection.

"They do not know what is best for me." I growled out, before we were cut off by the sounds of flapping wings. Conversation forgotten, our heads whipped up to see such a beautiful sight, I could die on the spot.

"What... are those?" I whispered to myself, before I jumped and made a clicking but throaty sound to alert my ilu, ignoring Aonung's warning yells and growls. The thought of getting my hands on those beautiful creatures made me itch with glee.

With closer inspection, I noticed the figures on the five flying things. 6 people -- too dark to be apart of the Metkayina sat perched on top of them, a family I assumed.


I could now feel the water completely encompassing me, and loudly laughed under water while also trying to devise a plan to sneak one of those bad boys on a quick joy rid before I came to a halt.

My people were huddled together on the shore, whispers filling the area. I felt relief take over my body after realising I successfully escapes Aonung's sight. From where they were now in the sky, it was obvious where they were from. The Omaticaya clan, forest na'vi, travelling a long way here.

As they landed, the commotion only increased as my eyes trained itself on every single one of the foreign na'vi. The man, obviously the father, whispered something to his family, before he slightly tip their head down and placed closed fingers on their head, before saying "I see you."

His family followed, two boys facing my brother and repeating the action, however from my spot in the water I could not hear a word they muttered. I pulled against the handle on my ilu as she dove back into the water, before stopping in the shallow water.

I easily dove into the sea before picking myself up. My head broke the surface of the ocean as I walked towards my people, eyeing the Omaticayan family. As I moved strands of hair from my face, I caught sight of one of the boys who associated with my brother earlier staring with wide eyes. He looked taller than the one beside him and I decided that he was the older brother.

He quickly looked away before I saw Tsireya slap away my brothers friends prying hands from the foreign na'vi's tail, reprimanding them through her teeth. I joined my siblings and their friends, still wary of the 6 new people occupying our lands.

"Hey." I heard an accented voice call out, turning to the brother who couldn't keep his eyes to himself. I threateningly flashed my teeth at him before my parents dramatically arrived at the large crowd.

I tuned out my father speaking to the blue forest monkeys, as I played with a tendril of my hair. I felt Rotxo, my brothers friend laugh and throw an arm around my shoulder pulling me close to him. I shivered in disgust at his obvious advances before I hissed and jabbed his side.

After a while I saw my father gesture to my siblings and I, and quickly snapped out of my daze. "Aonung my son, and my daughters Fao and Tsireya will show your children what to do." I felt my nose flare and in moments both my brother and I were upon my father.

"Father, why do--,"

"No way am I--,"

"It's decided." He sternly said, pointing a finger in our face. I had to stop my self from allowing my teeth to pull back into a snarl, before the voice of Tsireya beckoned me from my anger.

"Come, I will show you my village." She sweetly said. Before she knew it, she was carrying the foreigners things and leading them to where they would sleep and live among us. I begrudgingly followed behind, mostly to keep an eye on my sister and ensure her safety.

The male na'vi in front of my slowed his steps for a moment, before him and I were walking in tow. I decided to ignore him, as in my eyes he was just a child I was being forced to babysit against my will.

"I am Neteyam." I heard from beside me, and I titled my head up to see the boy who grinned down at me.

"I do not care who you are. You've travelled a long way to come here, Neyam--,"


I hissed at his interruption, lifting myself on the tips of my toes to snarl close to his face. "Don't let it be for nothing."

1148 words.

A/N ✩

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my story <3. I know it doesn't completely line up as mentioned previously, so again I apologise for that. AND! for stealing Lo'ak and Tsireya's interactions for Neteyam and Fao. Poor Neteyam doesn't have much dialogue, so I had to!

I hope it was up to par, and I'll hopefully see you next chapter. ✩


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