Chapter 72

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I lost track of how long I've been tied up to this tree. I heard leaves rustling and I looked up and saw Henry being pulled here by someone in this group. I was worried about him. They tied him to the tree across from me after making him sit.

"Henry, are you okay? They didn't hurt you did they?" I asked, worried.

"I'm okay, they didn't hurt me. But they hurt you Sydney." He said.

"Don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks." I said. "Why did you come out here Henry? You know how dangerous it is out here." I said, wincing from a sudden pain that shot through my leg.

"No talking to each other." Alpha said, going between us and motioned Beta over.

Before I was able to respond, Beta hit me in the head and I went unconscious.

Daryl's POV:

Me and Connie followed the trail that we found. We came to a ditch and found Henry's staff.

"Henry was here. They found him." I said.

We then killed a couple whisperers and put their mask on even though it stunk like hell. We walked past the walkers and they started to follow us. We slowly walked into the camp and I saw Sydney unconscious while tied to a tree. I looked to the left and saw Henry. I cut Sydney loose and picked her up bridal style. Connie got Henry and he grabbed Lydia.

"She's not coming with us." I said, sternly.

Since I didn't want to stay here longer than needed, she came with us. We were running, going as far as we could away from their camp. Henry fell and Lydia went to him.

"What the hell were you thinking coming out here Henry?!" I shouted.

"I needed to help! I wanted to get Sydney back and get Lydia away!" Henry yelled.

"You put yourself in danger is what you did!" I yelled.

"I know I did." Henry said, before looking around. "This isn't the way to Hilltop." He said.

"Tara made a deal with those assholes. We broke it. We ain't going back to Hilltop." I said, angry.

"He's right. There's too many of them. Alpha will destroy Hilltop to get me now." Lydia said.

"Why didn't you tell us there was that many of them?" I asked.

"You kept me in a cage. What did you expect? I wasn't going to betray my own people." She said.

"Maybe you should go back to them." I said. "Henry didn't know what he was getting his ass into but you sure as hell did." I said.

"I thought I could go back. I can't." She said.

"You ain't coming with us." I said.

"We could run. Just me and Lydia." Henry said.

"There's no way in hell I'm letting you go back with her. Think of your mom!" I said.

I looked at Connie and we left the area. We kept moving until we found a road and there was a tall building across from us. Connie pointed at the top of building and I understood what she was saying.

"Take the high ground? Yeah, good idea." I said.

"I don't understand." Henry said.

"They use walkers to protect themselves, right?" I asked Lydia and she nodded as an answer. "So we go up someplace the walkers can't go. We separate the living from the dead." I said. "They travel in a herd but there's only like five or six of them in the middle, right?" I said.

"Yeah but if we go up there, we'll be trapped. Alpha's not going to send an army because she doesn't have to. She'll send Beta." Lydia said.

"I'm tired of running. This Beta, he their best?" I asked.

Would It Matter // Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now