Chapter 12

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Three weeks later:

I'm now in my ninth month and I'm due any day. I was still worrying about Rick. I want to believe he's still alive. I was next to Shane when we heard planes fly over us. They started bombing the city where Rick is. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I held onto Shane and cried into his shoulder. He placed a hand on the back of my head while an arm was wrapped around me.

A few days passed since then and I was at the water with Carl when I felt my water break. I then felt a strong contraction.

"Ah!" I shouted in pain.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Carl asked, scared.

"Carl, go get Shane." I said.

"Okay!" He shouted, standing up and ran to the camp to find Shane

Few minutes later, footsteps came running towards me. I turned and saw Shane. Dale and Lori was with him as well as Carl.

"What's wrong Sydney?" Shane asked, crouching next to me.

"My water broke." I told him.

"Shit okay. I'll help you deliver the baby okay." He said.

"Shane, we have to wait until my contractions are closer." I said.

"Then we'll wait but I'm staying right here with you." He said.

"Thank you Shane." I said, laying back.

After a little while, the contractions was about five minutes apart.

"Ahh!" I screamed. "Shane, it's time to deliver the baby." I told him.

He nodded his head and started pulling my pants and underwear off. I looked to the side and I saw everyone watching. Some of the group wasn't here since they went out for supplies and Daryl was out hunting. Dale sat on the ground and grabbed my hands so I can have something to squeeze.

"Push Sydney!" Shane shouted. I started pushing as hard as I can while squeezing Dales hands.

"Ahh!" I screamed, pushing.

"Breath." Shane said.

After breathing a little bit, I started pushing again. That went on for awhile.

"The head and shoulders are out." Shane said. "One more push Sydney." He said. I pushed one last time and the baby was out. "It's a girl!" Shane exclaimed.

The baby started crying a little and Shane cut the cord. They wrapped her with Dales shirt after cleaning her up and helped me sit up. I was leaning against Dale when Shane handed my daughter to me. I looked down and smiled at her.

"She's so adorable." Dale said.

"What are we going to name her mom?" Carl asked.

"What do you want to name her Carl?" I asked, looking at him.

"What about Emma?" Carl said.

"Sounds good. Emma it is." I said, smiling.

Luckily, I had some baby clothes from before the apocalypse happened and I put her in them.

"Look at you sweetheart." I said, bouncing her up and down slightly with my arms.

I walked out of the tent and handed Emma to Carol because I knew she wanted to hold her. We then heard a car alarm and a red car stopped. Shane disconnected the battery. A white truck then stopped and everyone went to their families. I didn't see Rick. I was crouched down and holding Carls shoulders. He was about to cry.

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