Chapter 86

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Nathan was getting ready to leave to cause the explosion. I walked up to him and he looked at me.

"Please be careful out there. We can't lose you especially Helena." I said.

"I'll be careful. But in case I don't make it back..." He said.

"Don't think that way. You'll make it back." I said.

I hugged him and he returned it. We stayed like that for a minute until he had to go. Helena kissed him before he left. She turned and I saw worry in her eyes.

"He'll make it back Helena. He'll make sure he does to be with you and your child." I said.

"I know. I just wish he didn't have to risk his life." She said.

"I understand that." I said.

"Is this how you felt whenever your husband risked his life?" She asked.

"Yeah. But I knew he would come back because he fought to stay with his family. Nathan will do the same. He'll fight to be with you." I said.

She didn't say anything just hugged me. I rubbed her back to try to help soothe her. I was praying Nathan to come back alive.

It's been awhile and Nathan hasn't returned. Helena was getting anxious and more upset by the minute. I pulled Rick so we were out of earshot of Helena.

"Shouldn't he be back by now?" I whispered.

"Yeah unless he ran into trouble." Rick whispered back.

"I hope he didn't." I said, worried.

An explosion soon went off causing us to duck down. Part of the debris flew into the room we were all in.

"He did it." I said, under my breath.

I picked up Natalie and we all left the building. We saw Nathan and we headed towards him. Helena hugged him tightly before we left without being seen. We made it to wear the gate was. It was still attached but there was a hole in the wall. We quickly went through and ran to the woods.

We were far enough away from the community and we sat down to rest a little bit.

"Which way to Alexandria?" Helena asked.

"We're not heading straight there." Rick said.

"Why not?" Nathan asked.

"They'll follow us. We can't lead them to Alexandria. They'll try to kill everyone there and we can't have that." Rick said. "I'm not risking it." He said.

"Rick's right. We need to be safe while keeping them safe too. We have to lead them somewhere else away from Alexandria." I said. "Alexandria is in Virginia and we're a far distance from it so we have plenty of places to lead them." I added.

"Well, I might know a place to lead them but I'm not sure it's a good plan." Nathan said.

"Why aren't you sure?" Rick asked.

"Because it's an abandoned police station." Nathan said.

"Why is that bad?" I asked.

"There's weird biters in there. I went in there and they were all laying in the ground like they were sleeping. But I heard a noise and they all moved and stood up." Nathan told us.

"That's weird. I've never heard of walkers lying on the ground, sleeping." I said. "It's like they're variants of walkers. If there's different variants of walkers, that means they're getting smarter." I said.

"That's not a good thing." Helena said.

"Yeah it's not." Rick said.

"What are we going to do?" Nathan asked.

"We find a place where there's not any walkers especially the ones that is sleeping like you said." Rick said.

"Or we could lead them to the sleeping walkers but we stay quiet inside. Because they probably don't know about the variants." I said.

"What about Natalie? We can't bring her in there." Helena said.

"I've thought of that. One or two of us stays with her outside but hides until it's clear." I said.

"That's still a huge risk Sydney." Rick said.

"I know. And since I won't be as much help inside, I'll stay with Natalie and keep her safe while you three go inside." I said.

"I don't like this plan. Someone could get killed." Helena said, worried.

"I'm worried too Helena but if we want to get away, we have to take risks. Like I took a risk to look for Rick. And I was alone, didn't take anyone with me." I said. "There's risks in everything we do if we like it or not. If we want to survive, we have to take risks." I said. "Staying here and talking means they're going to gain up to us. We have to get going and do this." I said.

"She's right." Rick said. "As much as the plan is very risky, it's our only choice. We're going to get tired from running." He said.

We began heading to where Nathan said the building was. I was beside Rick and I felt him staring at me.

"What's wrong Rick?" I asked, looking at him.

"I'm just worried about this plan." He said. "What if something goes wrong and something happens?" He asked.

"I know you're worried Rick but we'll be okay. If something happens, it won't be your fault." I assured.

"Okay. I love you Sydney." He said.

"I love you too Rick." I said, smiling.

He leaned down and placed his lips against my own. We pulled away then we headed in the direction of the place Nathan was talking about.

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