Favian - 3

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Taikira, the elegant, coastal capital of Horaizon, a half mile of layered towering walls surrounding the stronghold of mortal society's dwindling empire. An imposing palace overlooks the expanse of the city and out over the mainland's wilderness and to its rear the raging tides of the Kromitic Sea. Walking through these streets, you can almost imagine there's actually a normal world behind those walls. Favian observes the bustle of the markets as he awaits the answer for his request to meet with the empress. People of all ages and backgrounds, some clamoring for various luxury items no one needs and others arguing over food rations procured by the Ignited Temple. Supposedly the rations come from Aelionos' himself, but then why wouldn't there be enough to feed everyone and why do they cost so much? Just breathe slowly, keep an upright posture, think about your words carefully so you don't start rambling like you always do and then never get a point across and people write you off instead of ever listeni...

He blushes as he realizes his own attempt to soothe himself backfired. Tugging his scarf up to hide his reddened face from the guards waiting with him, he nervously combs his fingers through his scraggly, nearly shoulder-length auburn hair. I knew I should have made the time for a trim, this is what I get for losing myself in yet another library.

The guard he originally spoke with about the purpose for his visit approaches with a stern look on his face. This is where they drag me around back and toss me into the sea, right? Why would they ever agree to meet with a traveling therapist? That's not even a thing people do, you're just a freak! I should have just claimed to be a wizard, that'd be far more believable...

"Bad news or good news first, sir?"

Favian's voice waivers with a slight stutter, "In times like these, good news is too precious to not get over-excited to ask to hear first."

The guard raises an eyebrow, "The good news is you are granted access and I'll see you inside momentarily at your leisure. The bad news is you won't be meeting with the Empress just yet. First we'll take you to the Dunreaper, Raelyn Takeda. To see if you're worth the empress' time."

Favian feels half-relieved that at least he's making progress and starts following the guard. "Thank you, I'm sure he will find my request a very serious matter." Not that my real intentions are any less serious, but this has a much better chance of success. Far fetched theories have no place with nobility if you want to keep your head attached. Least that what papa always told me.

The guard huffs gruffly, "I assure you, the Dunereaper takes your presence here very seriously, sir." The Reapers are warriors chosen by the night god of the sea, Akkokaido, blessed with abilities fitting to their hearts. Tasked with serving the realm's ruler, whose line was also chosen by the benevolent god from the depths. Raelyn is the last appointed reaper, which caused quite an uproar amongst the council of the Ignited Temple. There were talks of the high priest denouncing the Dawnthrone for its afront to Aelionos. Their complaints were silenced when the new reaper used his abilities to raise the walls surrounding Taikira; effectively fending off a passing moonlit horde on his own. The temples are rather fickle with their memory when their targets aren't as vulnerable as random outcast citizens.

There's an ominous threat to the guard's voice that makes Favian's skin crawl, but he writes it off to be his own anxiety and follows in silence. The palace is a stark contrast to the crowded streets of the capital, which overwhelmed him with hundreds of voices all at once. Instead, the dignified halls in their elaborate, ancient detail feel almost reverent in the calming hush it's brought to his day. I suppose the empress being the last of their family and with none to speak of their own, there's not much of a presence here to cause a ruckus.

Pointing him toward a door flickering from torchlight within, the guard nods him ahead before returning to his post. Odd... awfully casual leaving me on my own, I could run off and swipe some sparkly artifacts and hop out the window and the Dunereaper would just assume I've chickened out of our meeting.

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