Yumi - 7

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The sun could not have set any slower. Usually Yumi awaits the Sakuhin Wakare meditating by her tree, but she's still refusing to accept this as anything close to the usual. She spent most of the afternoon asking around town for Kaiya, hoping to talk some sense into her; but no one had an idea where she had gone aside from home. Yumi considered climbing over the gates of the estate to get into the mansion without Botan Endo being informed, but if Kaiya wants to be alone then leaving her alone may have been wiser. So instead Yumi closed herself off in her room and watched the horizon from her window to wait for the sun to set. I don't know how to do this, do I just make it quick? Draw it out? What would she really want with this? I guess I'll see it when I read her... fuck I never wanted to use that on her... None of this should be meant for her, she deserves so much better... I don't even care if mother wouldn't want to hear that, who gives a fuck?...

I do, I've worked so hard to be perfect for her and I lose it now because of love? She stands up and takes a deep breath, fixing her robe and checking Tsukarashi is fastened securely to her side. No, I can be strong enough for this... If Kaiya needs this I need to give her my best... No matter how much it hurts. She hears her door slide open and turns to see her mother, whose eyes are reddened from sorrow. "Yumi, have you made a decision?"

She nods, trying to offer a smile, "I told you, sensei, there was no decision to make. I have to trust her and respect the request."

Jin sighs, pulling her robe tight as though she's cold, "I'm proud of you. I know my training was hard on you, but you always kept working harder and learning more and never once showed resentment for what I put you through. Even so, I would have never expected all of that to prepare you for this..."

Yumi walks to her sensei and leans her head on Jin's shoulder, "Is she here?"

Jin hugs Yumi, "I haven't checked, child, but it should be time. I'll walk with you."

Yumi takes a deep breath and they walk together to the main doors of the dojo. Jin takes the door and slides the door open. Outside, a torch is staked into the ground, burning brightly nearby Yumi's tree. Standing by it, Kaiya is waiting, hand on the sword Jin gave her to train with Yumi a year ago. Yumi stares out from the doors, hesitating stepping out. I was still hoping it was a mistake, that she wouldn't be here at all.

Kaiya draws her blade, her voice trembling with fury, "Stop hiding, Yumi. We're ending this now."

What is she talking about? Why does she seem so angry with me? "Kaiya... can we please talk first? I don't understand what's going on."

Kaiya rolls her eyes, "Aren't you supposed to just shut your mouth and fight me? I think you know plenty, 'zumi."

Yumi's eyes start tearing up. "No I don't! I never wanted this. I don't know what you're doing!"

"I guess you just wanted me wrapped around your finger forever? Never thinking about what's going on?"

Yumi steps right outside the door, but doesn't descend the steps. "I wanted to just be with you! For you to be happy..."

Kaiya shakes her head with a sarcastic laugh, "It's too late, now stop stalling."

Yumi doesn't draw her blade, she stares into Kaiya's eyes and peers within, the irises of her eyes glowing a faint violet as she's trying to see what Kaiya needs for her death to be glorious. But for the first time, Yumi just can't bear to look and she closes her eyes. She wipes the tears off her cheeks and falls to her knees. "I can't just kill you! Not if you won't tell me why! This is too hard for me to take out of nowhere, Kaiya."

Kaiya's grip on her katana tightens, she takes a step forward and settles into a stance just like Yumi's; waiting for her request to be fulfilled and unwilling to talk anymore. Who is that? Just outside the torchlight? Someone came with her? Jin walks past Yumi slowly, her eyes locked on Kaiya, she descends the couple of steps to the grass and looks back to Yumi. "I told you I would help you."

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