Yumi - 22

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The days leading up to the departure from Irusu felt long and slow. To Favian's despair and Sapha's relief, Yumi did not feel much like talking. Spending most of the week burying the remains of the victims she could find, she was too focused on mourning to open up much to her new friend. At a certain point, Sapha threatened to 'accidentally' push Favian into one of the graves if he didn't leave Yumi alone. Favian was very apologetic, and Yumi assured them both their help laying her home to rest has earned all the answers she can offer; but that her emotions were making it difficult to properly communicate.

Upon returning to Shikuria, the news of Ukiyo's fate was devastating to the community. Ruko ripped his priest's talisman from his neck and tossed it into the flaming furnace, swearing off his oath for what the high priest had done. Several townsfolk offered to let Yumi stay in their home until they can help rebuild Ukiyo, but she politely declined and explained her intention to travel to the mainland. Ruko ensured that he would see to it that the dojo would be restored in time for her return. Even though Yumi protested the need for them to do so, their insistence was not about to budge.

Most of the last day, Favian and Ruko spent together talking through more concepts and philosophies than Yumi could bother tracking. So instead she followed Sapha around, gossiping that Favian might have to return to his boyfriend once they deliver her to the empress, and trying to learn where Sapha learned to fight. All of which Sapha endured and avoided offering any information that would satisfy Yumi. Nothing more than implying she needed to be the best or she wouldn't find work. Every inkling of herself offered only tempting more prying.

Now they've been at sea for a day, a quiet trip thus far. Yumi hasn't left her cabin, or for that matter her bed. She hears a knock at the door and welcomes the visitor to enter. Favian steps in with concern on his face, "Are you doing okay? I expected Sapha to hide out in her room, but I figured you'd be out and about by now."

Oh wouldn't I love to be... "I'm just feeling very tired, we worked a lot this week."

Favian eyes her suspiciously, "You're still bad at lying, believable as that one would be."

Yumi tosses a pillow at the door, just missing Favian. "Okay fine, I've tried to leave several times and I can't fucking walk!"

"Is something wrong? Did you hurt yourself?"

"No! I just... can't keep my balance and end up falling over."

Favian realizes what she means and laughs. "Oh, you just have sea legs! Don't worry, you'll get used to it. You just have to keep trying."

"Or I can avoid embarrassing myself and stay in here until we get there."

"I don't think the sailors are going to judge you for it, they understand."

Yumi turns away to hide her blushing. "It's not the sailors' judgment I'm worried about."

Favian is rather clueless to her implication. "All the more reason to come get some fresh air! You can hold onto me, that should help you get used to it quick."

Yumi debates risking her ego for several seconds before deciding she'd like to see the open sea while she has a chance. "Okay... thank you."

Favian hurries over as Yumi tries to walk over and stumbles into him. "You weren't kidding, you sure you didn't hurt yourself?"

"Don't make fun of me..." Yumi holds onto Favian's arm tightly as he leads her down the hall and up to the main deck. He stops in surprise as he sees Sapha out at the edge of the bow. Yumi's grip tightens more and he has to mumble for her to lighten up before his bones shatter. Of course he tricks me into coming up here and making a fool of myself in front of her. I'll get you for this, bookworm.

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