Ch 12: I Am My Own Demon

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"Uh... hey, Vik?" V spoke into her holophone. "Any chance I could... um... stop by for an emergency visit?"

"What did you do?" Vik asked.

"I, uh... got shot... in the shoulder."

"Finally took a hit on the job?" Vik chuckled.

"Heh. Yea... yea..."V tried to smile. Anything to prevent herself from crying. "Looked away for a second and got popped in the left shoulder blade."

"Is that it? You sound like you're in a lot of pain."

"I'm fine." V tried to brush off the doctor's concern. However, she was mentally cursing herself for not keeping it together better. "I have something in my left side, too. I think it's a shotgun pellet."

"Left shoulder and left side. Did you already apply bandages?" Vik asked.

"I got one on my shoulder. I think the bleeding stopped."

"Good to hear. My schedule is open for the next couple hours. If you hurry, I can get you stitched up in a jiffy."

"Thanks, Vik. On my way."

V hung up and slid the phone into her right pocket. Taking one last look around Jackie's room, she picked up her bag with her right hand and walked down the steps. At the bottom, she paused just long enough to drop the bag and toss her house key on the coffee table. The green woman let out a sigh. This was the one place she ever felt some kind of normalcy. This was where V was part of a family. That was gone now. Only thing she could do was move on. She picked her bag and went for the door.

Stepping outside, she was greeted by the happy-go-lucky nomad she had no patience for at the moment.

"Hey, V," Wander greeted appearing unusually shy. "You feelin' alright?"

"Leave me alone," V groaned. She stepped around the orange fuzz ball and started making her way down the sidewalk.

"Told you," Sylvia deadpanned. Despite her lack of enthusiasm, she followed Wander and V.

"Oh, come on now," Wander said. "We can't help you with your problems if you don't talk to us."

"Who said I wanted your help?" V spat.

"Well guess what, Dominator," Sylvia said, speeding up to walk next to V.

"Don't call me that," V griped, but Sylvia continued.

"Guadalupe asked us to keep an eye on you, and we intend to do just that."

"That's a load of dog grop," V accused. "Why would Mama Welles care about me? My presence has caused nothing but trouble for her."

"Lupé doesn't see it that way," Wander smiled. "I bet if you asked, she would say you are like a daughter to her. And a good mama always protects her children."

"Ok, so you two are just delusional freaks," V said. "I should have figured that one out sooner."

"We're not crazy," Sylvia said. "And whether you like it or not, we are going to help you. How long do you honestly expect to last now that everyone knows who you are?"

V didn't respond right away and just kept walking. She didn't want to admit it, but the Zbornak was right. Word travels quickly over the Net. She gave it 24 hours tops before everyone in Night City watched one of the multiple recordings that would enviably be making the rounds. It would be a crapshoot as to who would avoid her, who would try to cut a deal with her, and who would try to kill her. In short, she was fucked.

"Ghah, fine!" V yelled through gritted teeth. "I accept your help."

"Really?" Wander and Sylvia asked in unison. Wander was ecstatic at her response, but Sylvia was just flabbergasted.

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