Pretty Good

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A half-hour later, Tee, El, and Mike were in the basement with Dustin, Lucas, who had just arrived

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A half-hour later, Tee, El, and Mike were in the basement with Dustin, Lucas, who had just arrived. Mike had apologized to El. They had all gathered around Tee, who held the SuperComm in her hands.  They observed her trembling hands and troubled brow. Although she was making a lot of effort, the signal was not very strong. They heard a tiny cry as she slightly altered the frequency on the dials. Mike startled a little, but only in relief that she had succeeded in doing it once more.

"We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?" Mike asks as the boys keep their eyes on Tee. Blood was starting to drip from her nose. 

"Yeah, I heard a baby" Lucas says to him as Tee managed to get another little whimper from Will. The boy wasn't speaking, so it wasn't obvious it was him.

"What?" mike asked, confused as to what Lucas was talking about. 

"Mike, she obviously tapped into a baby monitor, it's probably the Blackburn's next door" Lucas says to his friend. His voice carried pain, which was audible. He struggled to maintain his hope that Will was also still alive. Pretending that wouldn't improve the situation.

"Uh did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will" Mike told him, his voice strong. He was certain that he was correct. He had heard him speak. 

"Mike..." Lucas tried, the whole thing making him feel worse. He felt like he was losing Mike too.

"Lucas you don't understand" Mike says to them as Tee puts the SuperComm down, not able to get a good enough signal. 

"He s... spoke earlier" Tee told the two boys who still didn't believe. They both looked at her, kind of shocked that she spoke.

"Words!" Mike added "he was singing that weird song he loves. Even Tee heard him"

"Oh well if the weirdo heard him then I guess..." Lucas started making Tee glare at him as Dusting cut him off.

"Are you sure you're on the right channel?" Dusting found himself asking. He wanted to believe, he really did, but he just couldn't.

"I don't think it's about that" Mike tells him "I think somehow, she's channeling him" Lucas gave him a weird look as Dustin thought. They had powers after all.

"Like Professor X" Dustin said.

"yeah" Mike nodded as Dustin smiled, starting to believe. He'd seen those powers himself.

"Are you actually believing this crap?" Lucas asked, looking at Dustin as if he was insane. 

"I don't know, I mean... Do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He kind of sounded a lot like that" he says to him as he shrugged. 

"Did you guys not see what I saw? Lucas asked his two friends. "They pulled Will's body out of the water. He's dead!" That statement was met with silence. El was angered by the remarks because they had led to a disagreement between her and Mike. Mike looked down and felt tears well in his eyes as Dustin gulped deeply, already mourning his best friend. Even though Lucas knew he had to be mistaken, hearing it was challenging. When Tee saw how Mike was looking, she sighed to herself and grabbed his hand to catch his attention. When he did, he noticed that her comforting grin had slightly lifted.

"Well maybe it's his ghost, maybe he's haunting us" Dustin guessed.

"It's not his ghost" Mike said shaking his head.

"So how do you know that?" Lucas asked, leaning forward.

"I just do" Mike says raising his voice slightly as he started to grow annoyed with Lucas.

"Then what was in the water huh?" Lucas raises his voice a little more. El flinched slightly as Tee stared at the two boys fighting. 

"I don't know ok! All I know is that Will is alive" Mike spoke sincerely. "Will is alive and he's out there somewhere. All we have to do is find him" 

"Th... this isn't going to w... work" Tee says holding up the SuperComm. "I n... need something w... with m... more power"

"Mr. Clarke's Heathkit ham shack" Dustin suggests as Mike nods with a small smile.

"Yeah" Mike says quietly.

"The Heathkit is at school. There is no way we're going to get the weirdos in there without anyone noticing. I mean look at them, especially her." Lucas says looking at El. That made Tee and El glare at him angrily. Why was he beginning so rude to us?

"I've got a plane" Mike smiles at the girls, his eyes linking with Tee's as she gulped. 

"W... what is th... that?" Tee asked watching as Mike opened a box. The two were sat in Nancy's room, El was in the bathroom getting changed into a pink dress.

"Makeup" Mike tell her with a smile "trust me okay" Tee agrees and leans in to let Mike brush her face with the gentle brush. He applies lip balm to her lips, some blush to her cheeks (not that she needed it given how close they were), and mascara to her eyes. As El entered in her dress, Mike grinned at his efforts and got to his feet.

"Okay Tee you got get dressed in the clothes Lucas and Dustin give you while I do El's makeup and put on her wig. Some of Nancy's hairbands and hairbrushes are in the bathroom so you can do your hair" Just as she left, Dustin and Lucas came up the stairs with some jeans and a Star Wars top. 

She took them with a smile and entered the restroom. She put on the jeans, which were a little long on her, so she rolled up the bottoms so you could see her ankles. She strolled up to the mirror, grabbed Nancy's hairbrush, and started brushing her hair. She opted to wear it the way she would wear it every day with the rubber band Brenner gave her once for being a "good girl."

She put her head down and grabbed all her hair, tying it into a loose ponytail. Her front pieces uncomfortably framed her face since they were too short to get into the ponytail. The hairdo was adorable, and Tee suited the messy look. She always wore it like that in the lab so that her hair wouldn't get in the way of her experiments. Papa always praised its beauty. 

She grinned as she caught her reflection. Although she had no idea what normal looked like, she prayed she resembled it. The guys and El were making faces in the mirror when she emerged from the restroom. Mike's jaw fell when they all turned to look at her. She appeared stunning.

"Wow" Dustin was the first two speak with a smile as the three boys and El stared at Tee. "She looks." 

"Pretty" Both Mike and El spoke. Tee smiled as she looked down with a little blush on her cheeks.

"Good" Mike carried on, causing Dustin and Lucas to give him a weird look "You look pretty good"

"T... thanks" she smiled at him not even glancing at El who looked at her as if she was her whole world.  

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