Chapter 1: Signs

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A/n: Hello! This is going to include a lot of sensitive topics like Depression, suic!de, etc, so please don't read if you are uncomfortable by those topics! And it will mostly be Sanemis POV!

Nobody's POV:
Giyuu has been acting really happy and smiling a lot more since this morning. The Hashiras have been hanging out with him well except Sanemi. Sanemi has been acting different all day.

Sanemi's POV:
Ugh it just doesn't make any sense, a few days ago he was acting emo as ever and now He's smiling? He's never done anything like this before, it just doesn't make sense. Nobody else seems to think it's Weird? Why am I even thinking about this emo in the first place? He thinks he's better then all of us, doesn't he?
"Someone Looks distressed" i hear a voice behind me. I looked it was Kocho
"whatever." I spat and walked towards the wind estate.

I opened the door taking my shoes of and lying down on my futon. Tomioka wouldn't act like this without a reason no way. Then what's the reason? Mm how can this depressed emo act so happy all of the sudden? Unless something happened to make him happy? Then it hit me- no he wouldn't would he? It makes sense though- ah fuck, god damnit it Tomioka. I got up putting my shoes back on to go outside. Once I was out I looked around for him. I saw Kocho near a tree
"oi Kocho"
"yes Shinazugawa?"
"Have you seen Tomioka?"
"Yes I have actually he was over there near that tree when I last saw him" Kocho pointed, I nodded and went over there. I looked around for Tomioka walking further into the woods.

I saw him sitting down at the base of a tree, he was sleeping. I walked up to him noticing dried tears on his face
"oi tomioka!"he jumped as his eyes opened
"it's getting dark come on"
"uh okay" i helped him up and he followed me. I figured that it would be easier going to my estate since it's closer. I dragged him inside. I took my shoes off, he did the same.
"So why am I here?" he asked 
"I wanted to talk to you but first put these on" I said handing him a t shirt and shorts, he nodded as I looked away
I sat on my futon, he sat on the end of it.
"What did you want to talk about?" Tomioka asked

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