Chapter 3: nightmares

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Sanemis POV:
I started to hear heavy breathing next to me, i opened my eyes and saw Tomioka he was still asleep but seemed to be in a lot of distress.
"Oi Tomioka?!" I tried to wake him no luck. I noticed a tear falling down his face
"Tomioka!" Still no luck, but his breathing was getting heavier
"Tomioka Wake up god dammit!" This time I pulled him closer to me then suddenly his eyes flickered open and he was shocked. Stilll breathing heavily, he sat up trying to relax. He was shaking a lot as well
"Follow my breathing" I said pulling him closer, he nodded. Soon his breathing slowed but he was still shaking.
"I'm sorry" Tomioka said
"It's fine Tomioka"
"I'm alright now though!" What a lie I could see straight through it, god Tomioka are you really doing this.
"Come on" I spat as I stood up
"Where are we going?"
"Aren't demons around though?"
"I doubt any would be this close near the wind estate, I'll bring my sword just incase though"
Tomioka nodded smiling, it wasn't much of a real smile though I grabbed a jacket before leaving.
We went outside and I jumped onto the roof of the wind estate Tomioka followed. He just talked about random stuff again, being a lot more talkative then the days before.
"Are you sure you don't want the wrist band?" He asked
"I'm sure Tomioka it's yours"
"Shh" I cut him off by pointing at the moon it was full and shining in the sky. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again
"Sorry for Waking you up"
"It's fine you weren't even awake, how would you have known?" He laughed a bit. We talked about really anything for a while before I noticed him shivering the slightest
"Here" I said taking off the jacket handing it to him, he put it on and I felt my cheeks heating up again slightly.
"Thank you" he said
"It's fine" we just sat their looking at the sky before I noticed Tomioka was getting tired
"Come on let's go inside"
"Okay" I jumped down from the roof Tomioka following, we went inside. I sat back on my futon and so did Tomioka not really caring about anything because we were both so tired. Soon enough Tomioka fell asleep and so did I.

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