Chapter 8: i love you nemi

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A/n: Sorry for being so inactive lately, im a little busy. Also last chapter but I'll start another sanegiyuu fanfic really soon.

Sanemi's pov:
Giyuu had a mission earlier in the morning so i was the only one in my estate. I made myself breakfast, got dressed then went outside.
"Hey Shinazugawa" iguro walked over to me.
"Kocho asked you to go to the butterfly mansion"
"K" i started walking over to the butterfly mansion
"Why hello Shinazugawa!"
"Hello kocho"
"I was wondering if you could give this to tomioka-san when he gets back, it's just a few bandages he said he ran out"
"Sure i guess" i shoved the bandages in my pocket walking away from kocho
I was walking back to my estate before spotting giyuu coming back from his mission
"Alive then?"
"Mhm yeah just a few cuts"
"Kocho told me to give you these" i said while passing him the bandages
"Oh thanks" he jumped onto the roof of his estate and i followed. It was getting darker and we just sat there for a while
"Thank you" I heard Giyuu mumble under his breath.
"For what?"
"Saving me" oh, that, it was getting colder and giyuu was shaking.
"Ya cold?" He nodded
"C'mere" he slid closer towards me, before leaning his head on my shoulder. And it was silent again.
"Are we dating?" Giyuu said without any warning, are we? We kissed before but we never confirmed it.
"Do you want to be?" I found myself saying.
"Then we are" I confirmed and giyuu sat up facing towards me. We held eye contact for a second before we kissed again. Giyuu pulled away and rested his head on my shoulder again.
"It's getting cold we should head inside" giyuu just nodded as I dragged him inside.
"Spare clothes, change, now." I said he nodded and went to the other room to change. He came back while I was making curry
"Want some?" He nodded and I passed him a bowl full. After we finished eating we cleaned up and went to bed. Giyuu sat on the end of the futon while i put my sword away. I lied down on the futon and he did the same. We both were nearly asleep but giyuu mumbled something.
"I love you nemi" the words dropped into the room without warning, he called me nemi? I felt a slight blush around my cheeks.
"I love yo too yuu"

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