Chapter 4: Giyuu Tomioka

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Nobody's POV:
The rest of the days went on, Giyuu left Sanemi's estate in the morning going back to his own estate. Not much went on the next few days. Giyuu was really sociable with the Hashiras once again. Mitsuri, Kocho and Iguro were talking to him, well iguro was just there. A white haired boy didn't let his guard down though. Whenever the black haired boy was talking to the other pillars Sanemi was always near them.

Sanemi's POV:
Ugh god damn Tomioka, are you really doing this.
"Thanks so much Tomioka!!" I look to see Tomioka handing the love girl a bracelet, different from the wrist band though.
"My my Tomioka-San, I thought you liked that bracelet?" Kocho said
"Yeah but kanroji can keep it"
"Thanks so much again Tomioka!" I watched a bit more before noticing Tomioka slightly changing his expression to a slight frown. I walked over to him.
"Hi Shinazu-" he said before I cut him off by grabbing his arm and pulling him over to a tree. "Shinazugawa?" He asked as I sat at the base of the tree. "Sit" he nodded and sat next to me.

Giyuu's POV:
Confused on why Shinazugawa dragged me over here I sat next to him until he opened his mouth to speak.
"Mm Tomioka are you okay?" He said. I was shocked by the question, why is Shinazugawa asking if I'm okay? Didn't he hate me? I struggled trying to find an answer.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Mm okay but talk to me if you need anything" I just nodded, Shinazugawa out of all people were helping me? But why, not like it would matter in a few days. I have to admit I felt like crying but I didn't. It was getting pretty late demons would be out soon.
"Wanna go for a walk?" Shinazugawa asked.
"Sure" he helped me up and we both walked Into the forest. As we were walking I heard a slight sound in the bush near us not letting my guard down, it seemed that Shinazugawa heard it as well since he turned around to face me. We honestly just kept walking. Suddenly a nose came from behind me, I turned around to see a demon jumping out at me. Usually I could dodge but this time all I could do was stand still why can't I move? "OI GIYUU MOVE!"

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