Chapter 6: I've got my eye on you

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Giyuu's POV:
One more step, just one more step and everything will be better. Sighing I took off my shoes and untied my hair. I'm ready, then I notice something, the wrist band I was wearing, it had waves on it and a leaf floating in the middle. It reminded me of something, a person, Shinazugawa? Whatever, i slightly went closer to the edge before getting ready to jump. I felt tears rolling down my face, I didn't care. Then I did it I stepped off the edge of the cliff.

Sanemi's POV:
No, He isn't, right? Fuck, I ran to the cliff without catching a breathe. I looked around, There he was. Fuck, then he did it he jumped, i didn't even think I just ran.
I grabbed his arm just in time, and pulled him back up. I could only see shock and guilt in his eyes. "F-fuck" was all he could say before passing out. i brought him back to the wind estate, waiting for him to wake up.
He was on my futon I saw his eyes flicker open, he sat up quickly looking startled before looking over to me. He started to panic and breathe faster. I sighed
"U-uh i- uh im sorry" he managed to say. I didn't say anything I just hugged him. He hugged me back, he was shaking a lot. I pulled away grabbing spare clothes from next to me.
"Get dressed im making you food" he just nodded as I passed him the clothes and walked out of the room. I came back with miso soup, seeing him sitting there in the spare clothes i gave him.
"Here" I said as I passed him the soup.
"U-uh thanks" he said is a quiet voice, sipping on the soup
"I'm sorry Shinazugawa" he said again
"Stop apologizing"I said annoyed, he nodded
"I'm getting changed I'll be back" i told him as I left the room once again. I came back seeing the empty bowl and Tomioka still sitting there. I sat next to him, he obviously wasn't happy and for some reason I want to help him. I don't know what switched in me but soon enough I started tickling him, and he bursted out laughing.
"S-stop" he said through laughing clearly feeling a bit better
Somehow I ended up pushing him over and we were lying next to each other.
"Hey Shinazugawa?" He asked
"Call me Sanemi"
"Uh okay you can call me Giyuu Then" he said, a pale red flushed over his cheeks.

I've got my eye on you// a sanegiyuu fanfic// Where stories live. Discover now