Chapter 5: wind and water

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Sanemi's POV:
I turned around to see Tomioka getting attacked by a demon. I yelled without a second thought.
"OI GIYUU MOVE!" He couldn't move in time, he was frozen. I grabbed out my sword pushing him out of the way before swiftly dodging, the demon cut my chest slightly but I quickly cut its head off. It wasn't that strong. I turned around to see Giyuu he was still shocked, though he would usually dodge that, it could be just stress or guilt. Wait I called Tomioka by his first name?
"Oi Tomioka are you alright?"
"I'm sorry I should of dodged"
"It's fine just be careful next time"
"And about the first name thing- I didn't really have time to thin-" I said before getting cut off
"It's okay Shinazugawa" he smiled, I felt heat on my cheeks but I smiled back.
"Hey uhhh wanna be friends?" I asked kind of awkwardly, not really expecting to ask the question. Tomioka eyes lit up a tiny bit
"Yeah" he smiled again. We both returned to our estates, i patched up my cut before collapsing on my futon. Why the fuck am I so worried about this dumbass, he doesn't think he's better then us he told me last night and if he really is going to do what I'm thinking.. Why the fuck is he even on my mind so much, his black hair is kinda cute thoug- wait wtf am I thinking about, do I like him? Whatever I'm going to sleep.

I woke up like normal and just went outside I ate somthing quick not feeling really hungry. I looked around for Tomioka talking to the others but he wasn't there, slightly odd? I guess I'll ask Kocho
"Oi Kocho" I walked over to her
"oh hello Shinazugawa"
"Hey have you seen Tomioka?"
"No actually not since yesterday" fuck. God dammit Tomioka, I just run to check his estate I open the door
"Tomioka?" No answer, I check his bedroom no one, I check the rest of the rooms still nothing. Ugh where could he be- wait
I leave his estate going to the forest I search around still no luck, come on Giyuu where are you.. my suspicions are just rising higher the more I try and find him until I come to a clearing in the forest, there's nothing much here unless- there is a Cliff.

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