2. Meeting Him

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London, England
26 Days Remaining

"If this was burning, I wouldn't even notice, cause you've been taking up my mind with your, little white lies, little white lies."
-One Direction (Little White Lies)


Niall's POV

I flicked through the channels when I got home waiting for Olivia to return so we can get this over with. My face suddenly came in contact with something hard.

"What the hell?" I asked incredulously. That hurt!

"Nice to see you to big bro," A girly voice said. I opened my eyes to see a shoe in my lap. My eyes trailed up to see a familiar teenage girl with brown hair and blonde highlights and brown eyes. She wore a green sundress.

"Em!" I jumped off the couch and hugged her. She had finally come back from her dad's house. "It's been ages!"

She pulled away and slapped me. "How fucking dare you come out before telling me! That's a load of bullshit right there! And then you meet Liam fucking Payne! I was only gone two months!" She yelled. For a sixteen year old, she has a lot of vocabulary.

If you didn't know, Emily is my younger step sister. She is my best friend that's a girl, and my directioner friend besides Ashton. And we both love messing with Olivia because we know she hates us a lot.

"I'll tell you next time," I groaned, rubbing my cheek.

"Whatever. So, how was Liam?"

"He was every thing I imagined he would be Em. And I got his number."

"No fucking way."

"Yes fucking way. I'm gonna hang out with him tomorrow."

"Take me with you!"

"I'll ask Liam."

"Thank you Ni!" She exclaimed, hugging me. We're those types of siblings that almost never fight. I liked it a lot, cause I used to argue with Greg very often, and now he's off starting a family. Sigh. My phone rang.

"Hello, this Niall Horan!"

"Hey Niall, it's Liam!"

"Hey Liam!"

"Why are we yelling?"

"I don't know! Anyways, I have to babysit tomorrow, do you mind if I bring the girl with me?"

"Only if I can bring my guest too."

"Girl right?"

"No, she's a pink lion."

"I don't think my little girl would like lions," Liam said before laughing. His laugh is the most beautiful thing ever. It's like pure gold. I laughed with him. "Yeah, she can come, I don't mind."

"Okay, thanks Li!"

"Li?" I blushed. Oops.

"Y-Yeah, I call you Li, and you call me Nialler," I said nervously.

"Okay Nialler see you tomorrow!" He hung up before I could reply.

"He called me Nialler again." I probably have a huge grin on my tomato red face as I erupted into giggles.

"You are such a girl," Emily commented, joining me in my giggle fest.

"Niall! Emily!" I heard Olivia yell. Way to ruin a moment. "C'mon, we're leaving!"

"Coming!" We groaned.


The house was a long hour away. We approached the mansion rung the doorbell.

30 Days»Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now