2. Will You Be Mine?

625 33 16

2012 (The Last Of 2012!)
London, England
20 Days Remaining

"We gonna party like, party like it's the end of the world! We gonna party like, like it's 2012! You know that it doesn't matter as long as we got each other! Turn it up, turn it up, mash it up, it ain't the end of the world, oh!"

-Jay Sean (2012)
Liam's POV

Last night, was really awkward. Louis kept glaring at Harry, who gave apologetic looks in return. It wasn't even an hour before Harry had excused himself, saying that he was tired. Zayn and Louis left hours later later, Zayn carrying his boyfriend bridal style. Save that for the non-existent honeymoon, please!

Now I'm sitting alone at the kitchen table, staring at my phone as I waited for an Irish voice to answer. He didn't answer his phone all day yesterday, and never replied to my messages. I'm honestly really bored and have nothing to do. Paul is getting the rest of our clothes from the house and I packed up everything last night. Ugh, my head hurts. Those pain killers are not working for me.

"Hey, this is Niall! I am currently unable to answer you-" I groaned and pressed the end call button. I try to call him again.
I wait...and wait...and wait. Just when I was about to end it, he finally answered.

"Liam!" I heard an Irish voice say happily. Yes, finally! He answers his phone! "What's up?"

"Guess who finally decided to answer," I reply.

"Sorry, I was busy. But did you even call Danielle that much?"


"Seriously Liam? 192 messages and 61 phone calls? Looks like I got a fanboy." I can't even see him but I know he's smirking.

"Shut up Horan."

"So what do you want?"

"I thought that we could, maybe, go to that new cafe later?"

"...Is this your way of asking me on a date?" Woah, no. This is not a date, it's just a friendly hang out! I felt my face heat as I sputter an answer.

"W-What? No! We just haven't hung out in days!"

"Okay Liam, whatever you say. But you will fall for this sexy beast one day," Niall retorts. I laugh. As if that will ever happen.

"Whatever, I think the bleach has gone to your brain." I smirk as I hear his gasp.

"Stop being an arse you Payne," Niall muttered. "I'll see you at three, loser."

He hung up and I sigh in relief. Well at least he's alive. Harry walks into the kitchen with nothing but a pair of briefs on him. I do not miss the days he used to walk around with absolutely nothing on! I don't know about Louis or Niall, but Zayn and I were clearly disgusted by it.

"Hello Styles," I say to the curly haired lad. He nodded and continued pouring milk into his cereal. "How do you sleep?"

"I sleep naked."

"Harry!" I sputter, nearly choking on the glass of milk I was drinking. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"You kinda did. You asked me how I sleep, and I told you that I sleep naked. Be lucky I decided to put on some underwear before I came in here."

"I seriously can't stand you sometimes."

"Well correct your grammar and we wouldn't have a problem." He said simply before walking out of the room, only to walk back in a few seconds later. "I forgot my cereal." I laugh lightly as the green eyed lad glares at me.

30 Days»Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now