1. The End...Or Is It?

335 22 4

Paris, France
0 Days Remaining; 1 Hour Left
"Harry!" A girl squealed, running towards him. He stopped walking and looked at her. "I'm like, your biggest fan ever! Will you take a quick picture with me?"

He nodded. An older woman, Harry thinks it's her mum, takes the girl's phone as the two get ready for the picture. Harry puts on a fake smile as the woman took the picture and the two left, but not before the girl thanked Harry and kissed his cheek. He then makes his way towards the hospital.
"Can't believe it's been a month," Louis said, breaking the silence between him and Zayn as they stood outside Liam's room.

"It's been fucking awful, but we made it," Zayn laughed bitterly. The door opened, Doctor Michaels coming out along with a two nurses. The two men walked into the room. Karen was at Liam's side, staring at his unmoving body. She had tears in her eyes, her only son was lying in a hospital bed, yet to awaken.

"Don't give up on him," Louis stated, wrapping an arm around his mate's mother.

"He's a fighter Mrs. Payne, he won't give up," Zayn reassured.

"Niall, we got you food!" Niall heard his mother say as she came into his room, his father following. Niall nodded and looked down, biting down on his lip. He knew what was happening to Liam, he overheard Karen and his mum talking about Liam and his condition. And he hated that he couldn't be next to him, talk to him, or even see him. "Honey, are you okay?"

A knock at the door surprised everyone. "Come in."

Harry slipped into the room. "Hi."

"Mum, can you give us a moment?" Niall asked as Harry approached him. She nodded and exited the room. "How's Liam?"

"He's still not awake," Harry sighed. Niall frowned. Harry's phone rang suddenly. "Hello?"

"Harry," Zayn panted. "It's Liam, he moved!"

"Quick, let's switch to FaceTime!"

A few minutes later Niall saw Liam for the first time in weeks. He heard the doctor speak in the background.

"I think he's waking up, try to encourage him with words," Doctor Michaels suggested.

"Did you lads hear that?" Zayn asked.

"We heard her," Harry answered.
Liam heard the voices, the voices of his friends, of his family.

"Wake up sweetheart, we miss you so much." His Mum.

"Don't you dare die on us Liam!" Louis.

"Niall's awake. We're just waiting for you to open your eyes." Zayn.

"Everyone's here Liam, we're waiting for you." Harry.

"Liam, we need you here, please wake up." Niall.

Everyone silenced  when Liam's hand twitched. They stared at him, anxiously awaiting his next move. Liam was met with bright lights and gasps when his eyes fluttered open.

And for the first time in thirty days, he wasn't living in a twisted fantasy.

0 days, 0 hours, 1 minute remaining.
And that's it! There's a few more chapters and then 30 Days will be done! So writer's block sucks big time, sorry I took forever!


So there was an article about Harry buying a $7 million house, and these were the comments

So there was an article about Harry buying a $7 million house, and these were the comments

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So that's how I became hesgaypetra. Now back to the real question, keep this or go back to AnonymousLarryGirl?

30 Days»Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now