1. Truth Is Revealed

317 22 2

Paris, France
2 Days Remaining
13 days ago...

Zayn stepped into his hotel room, extremely tired from today's events. Perrie was already asleep in their queen sized bed. He stripped to his underwear and crawl into bed as well, but something had caught his eye. A CD and a voice recorder rested on the nightstand. Curiously, Zayn picked up the CD and inserted it into the CD player under the telly. The screen remained blank and he wondered if the CD was legit. Just as he was going to give up, the audio started to play.

"We're not One Direction without Niall and Liam!"

"Don't care. Niall doesn't have many solos and Liam has less fans, so I think you'll be just fine."

"You can't make us do this! We're all emotionally unstable!"

"Well get emotionally stable right now! So get your arses to that damn arena in two hours or you all are going to court!"

"Listen here bad boy, I am your manager and I call the shots around here. I can put you and your little buddies on the streets at any moment. So I highly suggest you shut your mouth." Zayn's jaw dropped.

"No way..." He said in awe. "P-Pez!"

He ran to the bedroom, shaking his fiancée awake. The woman sat up, annoyed with her sudden sleep disturbance. Zayn picked her up and carried her to the couch. "Babe! You gotta see this."

The black haired lad restarted the audio for Perrie to hear. At the end of the audio, she was just about as awestruck as him. "Oh my goodness! Zayn, where'd you find this?!"

"I found it on the nightstand! We...we gotta do something with this!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Of course, we need to start planning!"

"And that's how we got the audio," Zayn finished. "We still don't know who recorded all of that."

"Wow..." Was all Louis could say. Zayn's phone vibrated.

'If you wish to know who I am, meet me at Starbucks at 17:00 at the booth in the right corner.

"Louis, that was them. They want me to meet me at Starbucks at the booth in the right corner in two hours. Mate, come with me."

"You didn't have to ask, I was coming anyways."
They arrived five minutes early, Zayn sitting at the requested booth and Louis sitting at a small table parallel to it. They both looked around for any sign of the mystery hero. Suddenly, Louis stood up.

"Oh hell no," Louis muttered, standing up and walking towards someone.

"Louis!" Zayn hissed quietly, attempting to bring his friend back over.


Zayn jumped slightly at the sudden appearance. A hooded figure sat across from him. This was it, he would finally find out who recorded all of this. The figure reached for its hood, and pulled it back. It was-

"Simon?!" Zayn said in shock. "B-But, how, wait-"

"Calm down, Zayn. Was it really that much of a shock?"


"Do you need a minute?"

"Yeah, I do." Simon nodded and went to order something. Zayn sat there, speechless. All this time, it was Simon. He had honestly thought it would be a fan, an intern, even Perrie, but Simon?! Simon returned with a black coffee in his hand.

30 Days»Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now