1. I Want You Back

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If you are still emotional about the Louis baby situation (I'll talk more at the end, feel free to skip), I want you to log out of a Wattpad, and take care of yourself. Calm down, meditate, take a relaxing bubble bath. Come back when you're ready. I care about my readers more than my votes.

WARNING: This chapter's gonna hurt. So I'm warning you ahead of time if you are a present/former Zayn girl, or you still miss/hate Zayn, you might cry. If you are a major Larry shipper, you might cry. I needed a really sad chapter sooner or later. Do you have to read this chapter? No, it doesn't affect what's happening with Niam, but do you really want to wait any longer for a new chapter?
Paris, France
22 Days Remaining

"Cause when a heart breaks, no it don't break even."
-The Script (Breakeven)


Louis' POV

"Louis, wake up," I heard a voice mutter. I groaned and rolled over, trying to ignore whoever is speaking to me. "Louis."

"Mmm...no," I whined. Get the fuck away, I need my sleep. I feel someone poke my side. I let out a squeal and rolled over. I open my eyes to see a curly haired figure hovering over me.

"Real manly," Harry laughed as he continued to poke my tummy. I began to let out giggles and pleading Harry to stop.

"H-Harry! Please, s-stop!" He ignored my pleas and continued to tickle me. Tears formed in my eyes and I start struggling to breathe. Harry's eyes widen and he immediately stops. "...You're an arse for that move, Styles."

"Okay then. If I am such an arse to you I'll just eat the breakfast I've made for you..." Harry trailed off, licking his lips. "Eggs, bacon, grits..."

"Sausage? Orange juice?" He nodded, a smirk on his face.

"Pulp free." Oh. My. God. He remembered. I clung onto him.

"I'm sorry Harry! Let me eat your delicious food and I'll never call you an arse again!" I apologized.

"Hmm, I don't know."

"Pleeeeeease?!" He will prevent me from eating his food, he's done it before.

"Okay, I'll give you a pass. This time only. Next time there's gonna be punishment."

"Punishment?" I scoffed, pushing myself off him. Seriously Harry? You ruined the moment. "Firstly, I'm older than you. Secondly, I'm a twenty three year old grown man."

"Are you gonna lay here and sass at me or are you gonna eat the food you begged for, McSassy?" I glared at him and left the hotel bedroom, but not before calling him a hippie princess.

Why go to a restaurant when your bandmate is a master chef? That was one of the best breakfast meals I've had in years. I missed those so much. I was now lying on the couch watching a French speaking show that had English subtitles.

I heard the door knock. I groaned before getting up and opening it. Zayn and Perrie entered without saying a word. Zayn looked pissed and Perrie looked at me sympathetically. Well there goes exciting times.

"Whoa, what happened?"

"Stupid ass management," Zayn growled, tears of anger forming in his eyes. "I swear if it wasn't for you boys I would've been gone."

"Zayn!" Perrie scolded. "I'm sorry Louis, Modest got under his skin again."

"I'm so sorry Lou, I tried everything. They wouldn't listen to me," Zayn rambled, tears now spilling from his eyes. "T-They don't fucking understand! First Niall and Liam are in a coma, then they make us perform like nothing is wrong, and now this bullshit! They are the most evil, sickening, greedy motherfuckers I have ever met in my life." He covered his face in his hands.

30 Days»Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now