4. Hey Angel (Part II)

376 29 2

London, England
10 Days Remaining
Liam's POV

"Liam!" A voice spoke, shaking me slightly. "Get up! We have to try on our tuxes today!"

"Mmm," I mumbled. "What tuxes?"

"For the wedding!" My eyes snapped open as I sat up quickly. What in the actual hell is he talking about? What wedding? I gave him the most confused look ever. "Niall's wedding." I choked on air. Niall's what?! That can't be happening. Wait.

"Y'know, when the person involved in the wish gets married or dies, the redo wish is voided. Which means, bye bye Payno, you'll be dead immediately." I recall Luna's words in my head.

I gasped. No, no, no! This can't be happening! I am not ready to die! That's why it's not gonna happen! I am going to crash this wedding!

"...Wait, I'm so confused. Why are you gonna crash the wedding?"

"You don't remember the wish?"

"What wish are you talking about?" Harry asked, very bemused. I sigh before leaving the room. He doesn't remember.

"Nothing Harry, just drop it."

"But Lunas!" Niall whined. He was arguing over how the groomsmen look hideous in the blood red tuxes. This color, in a way, made our suits look like they were drecnhed in blood. Not the best color for a wedding I would say.

"Nobody cares what you say!" Lunas shouted at me. Did I say that out loud or something?

"Woah, babe, Liam didn't even say anything," Niall argued. I sighed in relief. Niall took my side and now I know that Lunas can read my mind. "And besides, these tuxes aren't even for us. I mean seriously babe, are we going to a wedding or a blood bath party?"

"B-But, whatever," Lunas growled angrily before stomping out of the store.

"Sorry about that Liam. I don't know what even got into him."

"It's okay Niall," I reply.

The rest of the fitting went smoothly without Lunas around. We even changed the color of our tuxes to navy blue. Way better than bloody red if you ask me. It's too bad that this wedding is not gonna happen with me around.

Unfortunately, Lunas came back when we went to dinner at Nandos, which didn't surprise any of us. We had just ordered our food and got our drinks when I decided to break the group's silence. "So...Lunas. How did you propose to Niall?"

"Now that you mention that Liam, I don't remember either. Can you refresh my memory, babe?" Niall added. I smirked when Lunas grimaced.

"Uh...I didn't do anything special. We just, went out for dinner and I...I proposed back at home. Nothing special." Mhmm.

"Okay then. If that's what really happened." It was an awkward silence once again. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I quickly pull it out and check out my notifications.


Hey, I remember what you were talking about. Meet me in the loo in 5.

I sighed in relief. Thank god he remembered. I waited five minutes before excusing myself to the loo. Before I even opened the door, I heard a familiar voice shouting from the other side of the door.

"Stop making us feel guilty when this was all your fault!" Zayn stormed out of the bathroom angrily.

When I walked inside, Harry was leaning against the wall, tears threatening to spill. I don't know what the hell happened with him and them, but I'm finding out and I'm putting an end to it.
What's up? I know you probably hate me for not updatig in so long and I'm sorry! I've been really busy lately and writer's block is a pain in the ass. So I'm sorry this is not the best chapter!  BUT OMG THANK YOU FOR 110 AND 600 VOTES ILYA YOU GUYS SO MUCH

So I have published two new stories if you would like to go check them out! They're called True Love and The Angel Diaries!
True Love- Larry/Narry/Niam

As they promised, the boys are taking a vacation to a stay in a large home in Hawaii for three weeks. But when there's a pair of best friends, enemies, and a potential couple between the four, and the one member that left returns, problems are sure to arise.
The Angel Diaries (Angel!Harry)- Larry Stylinson AU
"I'm not supposed to be worried about him, if anything, I should've called the police."

All his life, 24 year old Louis Tomlinson preferred to be alone. He's not one for making friends or being a family oriented person, he's not even that nice. He is also not one for dating, definitely not the type to sleep around either. As vice president of the Apple company , many employees fear him and avoid him like the plague, to Louis' pleasure. But what happens when a 22 year old angel walks into his life? Will the angel tear down the Louis' walls and show him how to love?

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