MIKE TORRENTES. I opened the passenger's door and got myself ready to tell the others my plan. I knew it was somehow selfish to just turn myself in to the police after all the destruction and the bullshit they went through, it was like the old Mike was back for just a while, but I didn't care. If there was anything I've learned from all the crazy stuff that happened, it was that I would never be able to move on if I didn't take responsibility for my own actions. And that wasn't me talking about the fake evidence of the fire in my father or sister's house, not even the casino accident, it was Oliver.
People say before the end of times, seven trumpets can be heard from the skies. As people could probably guess from hanging out with me for a few minutes, I'm not religious. However, I made connection between that prophecy; the first trumpet was being so angry towards someone that I made them hurt themselves, the second was the fire at my sister's house, third being the fight on Big J's that almost caused Lin to die, fourth was my father's farm being blown to pieces, fifth was leaving John in Elpida, sixth the insane escape through the streets of Los Angeles, and the final seventh was the incident in the Red Flower. All those events were simply a warning of what was really about to happen. Not the apocalypse, although it felt that way, but the end of an era that I threw everybody into, a pit of agony that every single person that came in contact with me was bound to suffer in, and I was the only one that could save them.
I knew very well I wasn't to blame for most of the things that happened, but Oliver's death was on me, and although I could barely think about him due to what he was going to do if I didn't use my powers, the guilt was still lingering around. It was because of that incident that I told the darkest secret I had to John, which led to so many other atrocities.
John had this look on his face that almost seemed like he had seen a ghost, Jennifer was uncomfortable in her seat due to her hips and Lin just looked straight up pissed at something.
"What happened?" I asked them shortly.
"The Red Flower found us," John responded.
I stared at them quietly and waited for them to explain further before telling them I clearly already knew that, more than I wanted.
"They stopped right in front of us and gave us a paper-" Lin explained expressively.
"When? Now?"
"Yeah, just seconds before you came in!" Lin continued "They told us to watch out for the news!"
"What is that supposed to mean? You guys better just say whatever the fuck you need to say!" I became slightly nervous.
"Someone-Cian was able to leak some stuff to the press about Doctor Hera. I don't know how or why, but yeah..." John spoke in a sad tone.
"Why is that a bad thing then? I don't get it!"
"She hit back. Almost immediately!"
"How? Don't tell me she killed him? I was on the phone with her seconds ago!"
"Wait. What?" Lin was once again back to the conversation "You talked with that woman?"
"Yes. One of her guys attacked me in the apartment. I grabbed his phone and when I came to my senses I was on the phone with her!"
"Oh no wonder she did what she did!" Lin complained.
"You guys are freaking me out! What did she do?" I grabbed John's arms.
"Big J is out of his asylum..." John said while looking into my eyes.
There was silence between us. I stayed with my hands on John's arms, trying to take in his words and make sense out of them. Lin looked furious with the news, Jennifer was almost out of any hope, and John seemed to want to give up. You would think they would be afraid of Doctor Hera instead of a big guy with some tattoos, but when you have three different people up your ass, trying to hurt you and attack you, then it's a whole different story.
Fire Meets Gasoline : Wildfire
AdventureWildfire seems to be an ever-ending cycle of flames, yet one day there will be no trees left for the fire to consume, that's when you know the ending is near. Embark on the last adventure of Mike and John as they follow towards their long awaited m...