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It was Lunch, you sat alone as few boys gathered around you. "I am Fine, just go have your lunch" you smiled at them who were worried about earlier incident.

Osung was no where to be seen, he'd usually be the one to bring you lunch. Now that you think about it you indeed do get bored without him. I mean who wouldn't,  you were all alone.

Suddenly he came behind you scaring you. "Hey, Gi osung!" You yelled catching nearby attention but it went away in a second.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" he apologised chuckling he sat infront of you. "You are late" you mumbled enough for him to hear.

"Yeah, A new student transferred so I had to take care of it" he sighed digging in his food. "New student?" You asked trying to continue the conversation.

"Hmm.." He hummed continuing "Seok Jaebom, He lost his memory so he was being treated for a while now he joined again. He even joined the shooting club to regain his memory"

He explained as you listened carefully. "Makes sense, I think focusing on something will make him remember few things" you stated, eating your food.

Suddenly your interesting conversation was interrupted by someone tapping on your shoulder. You and osung looked up to see Ok Chanmi. She was smiling.

You smiled back with food in your mouth glancing at osung. "Hey" chanmi said as she bowed. You bowed your head as osung did same. "If you don't mind can I sit here?" She asked.

You glanced at osung he looked away. You nodded. She sat and continued "I am sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to ruin you and your boyfriend's relation-" she was cutted off by..

"We are not dating!" "They are not dating!" You and osung yelling gaining everyone's attention. Including sooheon who heard it.

He eyed you, as you continued conversing with chanmi. He have had enough with you and osung as he came towards the three.

"You two seem close, you must be dating" chanmi said trying to guess however this time not you nor did osung was able to cut her off. Sooheon was there to everyone's surprise.

"They are not dating" he sat beside you putting an arm around your shoulder.

You looked at him doing the I'll kill you sign. Chanmi was sitting beside an upset osung who looked at the two of you.

Whilst the atmosphere was all gloomy for osung it was totally opposite for chanmi. She already fell in love with the "couple" she founded them adorable.

As the two continued bickering osung let out a sigh without knowing. "Uhm...osung? This is the third time you sighed" chanmi continued.

He rolled his eyes getting up and leaving. Chanmi looked at osung confused.  Hyun jae and sooheon who were fighting over the chicken that was in sooheon's hand and she tried to grab it stopped aswell.

Both of them unaware of his jealousy they thought it was something else. "Being a class prez must be hard. You can't even have a break" you said failing to grab the chicken from sooheon.

"You win...yayy" you said sarcasm dripping down your tone, leaving your food tray their for sooheon to keep it away.

He yelled but to no avail, making him do it. Chanmi chuckling in the process. "Cute" chanmi mumbled looking at the two of you as she accidentally bumped into jihyeon.

"Cute? My foot" she said rolling her eyes at chanmi. "Do you think they are cute?" She asked folding her arms over her waist.

Although you were looking back to see sooheon, but your eyes landed on jihyeon and chanmi. You rolled your eyes before walking towards them.

As you heard closer you realised she was talking about the two of you. "Hey, jihyeon. She has nothing to do with you or us. If you have a problem come to us, don't bother her"

You said calmly trying not to make a scene. "Why? Do you not want your other boy to know about you two timing?" She smirked.

"What I do is not your concern. It is something that's between me and them. So shut it" you said clearly done with her attitude.

As the crowd started gathering around the scenes "so you do admit that you are two timing" she laughed maniacally.

Her voice feeling like needles poking your ear every second. You bit the inside of your cheeks to prevent doing something violent.

"Hey, jihyeon. If you have the guts then come outside the school to talk to me. Inside the school even a cat can act like a tiger" you let out anger laced every single word.

She scowled. You scoffed. But before you could do or say anything the bell rang "be thankful" you whispered walking away taking chanmi with you.

"Don't go near her" you told chanmi releasing her wrist you held. You didn't see sooheon anywhere so you sighed.

"I have practice I will get going" she said going away you nodded. Walking towards your class you saw sooheon sitting on table talking to his friends.

You went there and threw yourself on the chair groaning, sooheon and his 2 to 3 friends gathered around you. You were pissed off.

Staring at everyone of them for a good second you looked down. "Get away you're not getting any tea" you groaned.

They all let out a dissapointed sigh. However sooheon was way too worried to let it go. "She was so cool back there" two girls walking outside your class were heard.

Sooheon already knew it was you, no one's got a nerve to act out against the bullies or anyone. And the ones who do, just aren't cool. Because they are people like, jihyeon.

He looked at your figure as the teacher entered gaining everyone's attention.

You weren't feeling well. As you searched your bag for your medicines you mumbled fuck under your breath.

Sooheon was pretty close to your desk to hear you mumbling something. He looked at you and whispered "are you okay?" He asked you nodded.

"I am not feeling well!" You yelled raising your hands, already getting dizzy.
"Oh, go to the infirmary, hyunjae. you can go home after" the teacher said as you did what told.

However you didn't go to infirmary instead you ran to your locker grabbing a few pills and gulping them down.

Feeling a immense headache and blurriness. You ran to the restroom. You were breathing heavily. Closing behind one of the stalls doors as you leaned down on the wall.

You had this disease called Pseudotumor Cerebri this is condition can be easily mistaken as a brain tumor due to the similar symptoms.

[It is cause by build up of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Treatment is given to relieve symptoms particularly visual impairment. In many cases shunt may be needed. Shunt is a hollow tube placed in brain surgically to drain the cerebrospinal fluid. Medicines are given for temporary treatment aswell as preventing from the worsening of eye sight, in this case shunt or no surgeries are needed however due to the late discovery of disease it have done pretty much harm to your body.]

Being in there for a couple of minutes you calmed down. You went outside to wash your face feeling your head getting heavier. This happens when you get frustrated, stressed or not getting enough sleep.

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