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It was evening, you and sooheon were working in the bowling alley. You and him running here and there taking orders and serving the customers.

As you guys met in between you guys wouldn't miss the chance to flirt with eachother.

You heard the door opening, you went running "Welcome to-" you looked up and were cut off. "Oh- Ok chanmi" you replied as she gave out a small smile.

"Would you like a ticket?" You asked. she shook her head quickly. "No...I am here to talk to you" she said fiddling with her jacket.

"Okay, you can sit there. I will come right at you" You said giving a small smile. She nodded. She sat at the pointed table waiting.

After a bit you came out with your school uniform though the skirt was replaced with sweats. "Sorry, I was working my shift" you said as she smiled.

"It's okay, I understand." She said. You put a juice in front of her "here, you favourite." doing the same for yourself. Chanmi looked up.

"How'd you know?" She asked, you looked up trying to act confused. "The juice" chanmi said making you chuckle."Oh, Well who doesn't love this juice" you replied, she nodded.

She smiled again. "So, what is that you want to talk about?" You asked.

"Oh...I want to apologise for earlier, in the lunch at school. You were troubled because of me." She said with an apologetic face.

"No, I hate her. She gets on my nerves, just seeing her around bothers me. " You said shrugging slurping your juice.

Making it comfortable for chanmi to drink her juice aswell.  "You're pretty cool, and outgoing...and chill, so I thought you can be one of my first friends" chanmi said.

You looked at her for a good second. Before nodding. "Right, we can be" you said not knowing what to actually say. This made her chuckle.

Your conversation with her continued until a question was asked. "Park wonseok...did you know him?" She asked as you sat up straight at the mention of wonseok.

"Wonseok?" You mumbled as she nodded. Your expression giving her feeling that she might get a answer.

"No...I Don't, why?" You let out as she sighed dissapointed."no, just asking" she said again.


Few hours went by and now both of you separated she went to her home as you went to your locker.

Park wonseok? What does she have to do with him? Is she really the ok chanmi I know? Your head full of thoughts as you took out your phone from your locker.

"Oh, sooheon! I will go first" you let him know who's cleaning the table after closing the bowling alley. He nodded.

You made your way up to the roof. Sitting there you sat down thinking wonseok? Could she really be his twin sister? The coincidence seems unreal, from Busan, favourite juice, curious about wonseok...

You kept on thinking, your thoughts were interrupted by a 'Boo' near your ear as you were startled. "Didn't mean to scare you" sooheon said laughing.

You started hitting him lightly,  "then what did you yell for?" You told him still hitting his arm.

"Ouch ouch, sorry okay?" He said as you calmed down. You sat again patting the space beside you for sooheon to join you. "What were you thinking about?"

Sooheon asked as you looked at him before looking at the star filled sky. "Nothing" you replied.

Then silence spread through the atmosphere, you sighed. "Ok chanmi" you said. "What about her?" Sooheon asked.

"I think she is par, wonseok's twin sister" you said as sooheon looked at you shocked. "What?" He yelled. "Keep it low" you pinch his arm making him groan.

"I told you about that orphanage girl right? Her name was ok chanmi..today I gave her, her favourite juice I used to give her everyday, she was surprised. She was curious about wonseok, so I think she is chankyu's sister"

You explained as he took it all in. "Really? Is that what she came to talk about? Wonseok?" He asked as you nodded.

Yes, you ok chanmi and his brother were in same orphanage. When chanmi's brother went away you'd always bring her juice to comfort her you guys were young so this was all you could do.

You'd always sneak out with her, steal food. And that made you guys pretty close, since then she said that this juice was her favourite.

You smiled at the memories. Sooheon cleared his throat. "Dinner?" He asked "you cook" you looked at him your eyes sparkling with happiness.

"It's your turn to cook today" he said. "It's yours"

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